View Full Version : No motivation to lose weight but I want to SO bad...

04-10-17, 23:50
Sorry if this is in the wrong forum but can anyone relate to this?

Ever since I was teen I suffered with weight problems, being overweight always held me back and knocked my confidence, I am so insecure because of it, I always feel like people are staring at me and I've never even dated because of it. I'm 25 now and it's the perfect time. I want to lose weight so bad, I don't want to feel like I have to hide myself and be embarrassed and run away from the camera at family parties and be too scared to be seen in the swimming pool or beach whilst I'm on holiday in case people judge me. Ever since I was a teen I've always said I will lose weight, I've lost a few stone but it's been a slow process because I lose some weight and then I go back to my old habits and gain most of it back. I always seem to fall back into bad habits. My brother was overweight and he said I will lose weight and literally reached his goal weight so fast. What is wrong with my brain? Why do I eat when I'm bored? Why do I comfort myself with food when I feel down? I don't understand how my brain works? I don't want to be fat. Does anyone else have this issue? I feel like when I finally lose all my weight my life will change for the better and I want that so bad but why can I not stick to it? I've recently come off zoloft because I notice that I had no motivation on it. With me it's always tomorrow I will start my diet then I end up keep saying that for months on end then I'll diet for a few days and then quit?! What can I do when I'm bored other than eat? What can I do when I'm feeling down other than eat and then feel shittier afterwards? How can I motivate myself not fall back into bad habits? My brother always say if you really want to lose weight you will do it but I know that I do but it's like I can't?

05-10-17, 04:33
Amen. I'm always a yo-yo person on weight. I've literally lost over 50 pounds before, gained it all back, lost it again, and gained it all back. I don't really know what to tell you, as I'm not the best role model here, but I can tell you that you've been heard and you're not alone!