View Full Version : Any GOOD supplements for cracking neck/joints?

05-10-17, 01:31
My neck constantly has a rice crispies crackle when I turn my head. I always have to twist my back to crack it and other joints crack upon moving them. I sometimes have a dull pain in these areas that gets worse throughout the day. Are there any supplements/vitamins that would help with this? I've been to an Orthopaedist and a rheumatologist who couldn't really give me a reason for these symptoms. I am also in my 20s, this has been going on for at least 2 years.

05-10-17, 14:35
Have you been given any exercise to do to relieve the tension?

As someone with a similar problem, I would say that strengthening the muscles in that area is likely to help and give extra support in the long run. Also I am surprised that qualified professionals say they don't know what's causing the crackling!

11-10-17, 03:27
I had PT for a few weeks, which maybe slightly helped, but it obviously didnt solve the problem.

11-10-17, 04:47
I found rubbing in magnesium chloride helped with my aches & pains although it did take a while to get the full effect.

Exercise is important as lilliput said. I had pains in my hands and using those small rubber bands to work the opposing muscles to those used in gripping sorted it out in weeks.

A food site to look on is examinesupplements.com as it includes studies and rates them. With things like joints I suppose you will be looking in the glucosamine, choidrontin, etc type areas.

11-10-17, 07:40
I know of one.A baseball bat,that is good for necks,knees and shoulders.:winks::yesyes:

11-10-17, 08:14
I know of one.A baseball bat,that is good for necks,knees and shoulders.:winks::yesyes:

Sciatica treatment must be the rack then! :ohmy: Red hot poker for an itchy bum? :biggrin: