View Full Version : Bleach smell in nose. (Yikes!)

05-10-17, 07:05
Hi, all! How are you doing? :)

This bleach smell been in my nose since earlier and it's making me nervous. I was washing the dishes and had pour bleach in there, accidentally inhaled some and it made me cough but the smell irritated me.

I'm fine now, can breath well but the smell is still in there. I blew my nose twice and sat in front of the fan + air conditioner.

Is there anything else to do? I'm nervous that smell itself will kill me or cause me to stop breathing. Next time I make sure to remind myself to pour a little of bleach lol.

Anyone been through this while cleaning btw?

Love and light,
Deanna. <3:D

05-10-17, 07:44
Hi .

I donīt know why but bleach is one of those things that once smelled hangs around up your nose for hours and hours. It happens with me too but I havenīt died from it yet :winks: and Iīm in my 60īs.
Nothing to worry about at all, just one of those things. :D

05-10-17, 07:53
Hi .

I donīt know why but bleach is one of those things that once smelled hangs around up your nose for hours and hours. It happens with me too but I havenīt died from it yet :winks: and Iīm in my 60īs.
Nothing to worry about at all, just one of those things. :D

Thank you for answering, Chick100! :) Made me feel a lot better. It just stung my nose with that scent and made me want to throw up. I'm going to wash it out or spray some of my perfume to get rid of the smell. If that works lol.

05-10-17, 09:55
Hello, I stopped using bleach products a while ago as my daughter has a really sensitive sense of smell and the scent made her gag. There's this range of products in the UK called Ecover which are really good - natural based - and do the jobs without it. Must be something similar over there which might be worth trying? x

05-10-17, 11:49
It is possible the smell isn't actually up your nose but sort of lingering in the air...so you're catching whiffs of it.. :) It's horrible stuff, I really do use it sparingly now because the smell makes me gag too and doesn't go for ages!