View Full Version : Abdominal discomfort and back pain - my health anxiety is spiraling out of control

05-10-17, 17:17
Hello y'all,

I could really use some advice or someone to talk to about this, because my family is not good about this kind of thing. I am 23 years old, prone to health/death anxiety and day 1 of this experience really set that off. I am new to this site and also new to the concept of "Dr. Google," so I made a huge mistake with googling all of these symptoms from the start. Scary stuff folks, so now I'm worried I have everything from gallstones to ovarian cancer. :wacko:

Since last Friday I have been experiencing abdominal discomfort, cramping, back pain, nausea, and at one point a shooting pain in my lower right abdomen that lasted maybe 30 - 45 mins. I immediately went to an urgent care doctor after that last symptom, and he ran a urine test, did a physical, and took an xray (which I don't think is the best for soft tissue problems), but all he said was that I have a UTI (weird because I have no burning w/ pee) and that I am super dehydrated and constipated. So he prescribed me some antibiotics and a laxative and off I went to rest and drink fluids.

I felt a little better yesterday, still some discomfort and nausea, and that pain in my back which he said was caused by the UTI. This morning I woke up and took my antibiotics, still had discomfort and nausea, and when I went to the bathroom my stool was yellow and there were traces of blood when I wiped.

I am now feeling even more anxious and panicked. Should I be concerned about the stool? About the persistent symptoms even though I've rehydrated myself for 24 hours? I've never dealt with any issues like this before and, of course, all of the googling led me to horrible horrible possibilities. I don't want to let my paranoia take any more control of the situation, but at what point should I go back to the doctor for reassurance?