View Full Version : Doctor won't take stomach issues seriously

05-10-17, 18:09
Hi all, I'm hoping I can get some advice on my continuous anxiety related stomach issues.

Historically, when I get anxious I get a lot of stomach problems, and it's caused me to lose a lot of weight. I throw up often or just feel so nauseous I can't eat. I know that this is a common symptom with anxiety, but even with my anxiety itself easing off lately my stomach isn't getting any better- it's getting worse. I've always been on the petite side but lately my weight has dipped so low I'm getting scared, my body doesn't feel strong and safe anymore and I really hate that.

I've talked to my doctor about it and she seriously laughed in my face and told me that it was all in my head and I need to go back to my psychiatrist. Has anyone else had their doctor not take their physical symptoms seriously even when it's directly affecting their physical health? How can I make her see that this is a problem for me that I think needs more than psychiatric treatment? I feel very alone in this situation and I don't know how to get the help I need.

05-10-17, 18:19
Hi all, I'm hoping I can get some advice on my continuous anxiety related stomach issues.

Historically, when I get anxious I get a lot of stomach problems, and it's caused me to lose a lot of weight. I throw up often or just feel so nauseous I can't eat. I know that this is a common symptom with anxiety, but even with my anxiety itself easing off lately my stomach isn't getting any better- it's getting worse. I've always been on the petite side but lately my weight has dipped so low I'm getting scared, my body doesn't feel strong and safe anymore and I really hate that.

I've talked to my doctor about it and she seriously laughed in my face and told me that it was all in my head and I need to go back to my psychiatrist. Has anyone else had their doctor not take their physical symptoms seriously even when it's directly affecting their physical health? How can I make her see that this is a problem for me that I think needs more than psychiatric treatment? I feel very alone in this situation and I don't know how to get the help I need.Has she done any tests at all?

If shes ruled out all other potential causes, then I have to say I agree that you should either consider an anti anxiety med and go to therapy, or both. Or, therapy and relaxation training (deep breathing, meditation, anxiety podcasts, yin yoga, avoid caffeine and alcohol, and make sure you're getting ample rest).

If she hasn't done any tests at all, seek a new physician.

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05-10-17, 18:30

I'm on anti-anxiety medication that has been working well for me for several years, as well as actively seeing a wonderful therapist and regularly getting acupuncture (which I've found is hugely helpful with my anxiety.) My anxiety levels are actually at an all time low for me, that's why I worry it may be something else.

The doctor had the nurses run a blood test on my thyroid (which is what she has done continuously for the last three years when I express concern to her about this problem) but it came back normal and she didn't run anything else, even when I asked her to. She also won't write me a recommendation to see a doctor who specializes in Gastroenterology, which my psychiatrist and therapist both recommended I look into.

Her refusal to help me look into this is causing me the most anxiety I've felt in a while, I think you're probably right and I should look for a new doctor :shrug:

06-10-17, 02:33

I'm on anti-anxiety medication that has been working well for me for several years, as well as actively seeing a wonderful therapist and regularly getting acupuncture (which I've found is hugely helpful with my anxiety.) My anxiety levels are actually at an all time low for me, that's why I worry it may be something else.

The doctor had the nurses run a blood test on my thyroid (which is what she has done continuously for the last three years when I express concern to her about this problem) but it came back normal and she didn't run anything else, even when I asked her to. She also won't write me a recommendation to see a doctor who specializes in Gastroenterology, which my psychiatrist and therapist both recommended I look into.

Her refusal to help me look into this is causing me the most anxiety I've felt in a while, I think you're probably right and I should look for a new doctor :shrug:You sound like you're managing your mental health well. That, to me, means your dr is a FAIL. If you can seek out a new one, I think it would be worth it. I honestly don't think there is anything wrong with you, but I do think this is a sign that IF AND WHEN an issue does come up that needs attention, your current dr may fob you off. Which is not cool!

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---------- Post added at 01:33 ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 ----------


I'm on anti-anxiety medication that has been working well for me for several years, as well as actively seeing a wonderful therapist and regularly getting acupuncture (which I've found is hugely helpful with my anxiety.) My anxiety levels are actually at an all time low for me, that's why I worry it may be something else.

The doctor had the nurses run a blood test on my thyroid (which is what she has done continuously for the last three years when I express concern to her about this problem) but it came back normal and she didn't run anything else, even when I asked her to. She also won't write me a recommendation to see a doctor who specializes in Gastroenterology, which my psychiatrist and therapist both recommended I look into.

Her refusal to help me look into this is causing me the most anxiety I've felt in a while, I think you're probably right and I should look for a new doctor :shrug:As far as your issue...anxiety levels can actually rise without us FEELING anxious. You may be losing weight bc of your vomit and nausea. I want to say I'm sorry you are going through this. I have lost weight before from anxiety, and its AWFUL.
What I did to deal with that was to go out to eat, and eat food I love. Bad food. Unhealthy food. Just to kick start my appetite again.
Again, I'm sorry you're dealing with all of this. <3

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08-10-17, 00:01
My advice is to see a new doctor. I went to a family doctor my whole life until I was about 25. I wasn’t getting the answers I needed or the results I wanted, so I needed to make a change somehow. Good luck, I hope you find the help you need. My anxiety also causes me to stop eating, lose weight, constant diarrhea, etc., so I feel your pain.