View Full Version : Scared Of Panic Attacks

13-06-07, 13:30
I keep having the odd few symptoms of panic attacks and it is so stressful.

Today at work i thought i was going to have one so i sat in the toilet for half an hour making myself sick and trying to avoid having one.

I dont know how to tell my boss about them x

13-06-07, 14:02
hey frankie,

yes most of us know here how stressful it can be!! my advice to you would be to TRY as hard as you can to not avoid things as a way to make your anxiety better as in the long term this coping mechanism makes the problem worse, in fact most of the things we do just reinforce the cycle.

you could do with getting the FACTS about what is happening to you, so you come to beleive that what you are feeling can not HARM you and so there is no need to FEAR it, try to let it wash over you without resistance and see whether that helps? it should but you will feel shaky and drained, but you will come to see that NOTHING happens!!!!

the thing about telling your boss is that this will only be of any benefit really if they are an understanding person otherwise be prepared for them to look at you like your an alien!!!

good luck with it

13-06-07, 16:14
cheers Emma i could do with a new doctor

he just looks at me as if i am a crazy lady x

13-06-07, 21:58
Hi Frankie

Some doctors don't have the faintest idea about this really do they! You are entitled to change doctors, or see another one other than your usual. I dont see my named doctor about anxiety, but another one recommended to me as good with anxiety & depression. It has reassured me so much that I am able to talk to someone who does understand.

Try not to let yourself be restricted by anxiety. I work at a school and last September I was terrified of going back to work, my husband said that looking at me he could hardly believe I managed to get there. I really wanted to go back to bed and stay there. I was so scared I would have a panic attack in front of the children, or would just end up looking really silly and everyone would look at me.

This did not happen! Luckily I am able to talk to my boss, though thinking back if I had been like this in my past workplaces I would not have been so able. My current boss is lovely and really wants to help in any way he can, asking me to keep him posted and talk with him when I need to. I know to pick my times to chat, but I know also he does care and would rather support and keep a member of staff than lose one to sickness. But most people understand if you are feeling quite stressed and finding things difficult. I find that in the staffroom lots of people say they are stressed about work or husbands or whatever. Though they dont suffer with anxiety (as far as I know), they do understand about stress!

Hope this helps.