View Full Version : Very worried - please help, 20 years old

05-10-17, 21:18
Hi guys,

I've been having an extremely rough past couple of months that has resulted in the roughest past couple of weeks for me. It started around 3 months ago when I found a lump in my left breast one night. It freaked me out and I became obsessively googling and searching for what it could be. As each day passed, I told myself to keep waiting and that it might go away. But as a week passed and i became increasingly worried, I made an appointment to see my GP.

I was examined and she suggested that it was most probably a fibroadenoma, but that she would refer me to the breast clinic for further tests to ensure that it's nothing sinister. Fast-forward two weeks, my appointment had come and it all went smoothly. I had a breast ultrasound which found that it was simply a cyst.

Possibly a couple of days later, I noticed a swollen lymph node on the right side of my neck and as days passed, I felt as though I had some back pain. I visited the same GP who insisted that it was the flu. In the next couple of weeks I noticed lumps in my underarm area and became paranoid that something was seriously wrong. Almost 4 weeks later I went back to the GP with the same symptoms and again, as well as upper-right abdominal pain, and again she insisted that it was flu.

Over the next few days I noticed myself distancing from those around me and becoming preoccupied with these thoughts. It affected my short-term memory and I began making a couple of comments that shocked my family as I would forget things easily and did not seem focused on anything. I went to hospital around this time and waited in A&E. The dr took a urine sample and found white blood cells and said that my pulse was high and that I was dehydrated. He made me drink 9 cups of water and insisted that I eat something as he would not allow me to leave until my pulse had come down.

The next day, I went to my GP with my symptoms who made me do a multitude of blood tests.

After that day, I was ok, but noticed some tension in my neck and random red spots turning up around multiple places of my body. I also felt numbness in my hand and legs and had numbness for a whole night in my arm which made it very difficult to sleep and caused me to worry even more. That day, the numbness in my left arm became worse and I began having chest pains. My father rushed me to the hospital and I had an ECG that came back as normal. I then waited to see the DR after a test and again, he told me that I was completely fine and that I just have the flu. On this same day, I received a call from my GP with my blood test results saying that I have low vitamin D, and so they put me on plenachol 40,000 IU - once a week for 7 weeks. This is all they told me. I went to pick up the blood test results on the same day, and when I came home, I saw that my ESR levels were 38 - a lot higher than they're meant to be, and which indicates inflammation. I was very surprised that they did not mention this to me and thought nothing of it.

Maybe one or two days later i noticed something that looked like a rash on my right arm and I convinced myself that it was meningitis. My dad took me to hospital which they then did emergency blood tests on me and also took my urine sample. They found absolutely nothing and said that my high esr is not alarming.
I was still unconvinced that I was fine.

The worst part of this is that it was all happening whilst I was getting ready to leave and go back to university. I packed all my things and my dad drove me to university two days later. When I got to the city and moved into my flat, my dad stayed with me for a week till I settled in. But on that same day I had become ill and was coughing a lot and had a very blocked nose. I went to the dr who said that it was tonsillitis and gave me penicillin - i knew that it was tonsil stones and not tonsillitis but she did not believe me, but I took the painkillers anyway as a means of dealing with whatever type of infection was going on anyway. During this appointment, I also mentioned the pain in my abdomen and that my bowel movements had consistently been shifting between diarrhoea and constipation for the past two weeks. She thought i may have IBS and told me to take buscopan.

With my first dose of penicillin I felt that my lips were itchy, but i thought that I was paranoid since I had taken penicillin before with no reaction. Following that day, I took an additional 4 doses when I had to, and the next day I felt tightness in my arm and leg. A couple of hours later, my hand had become swollen and my other arm had a rash of hives on it. My dad rushed me to hospital as we had both panicked and this was my first ever allergic reaction to anything. They gave me an antihistamine and sent me on my way.

The following day I went back to the dr and mentioned that I had felt pressure behind my eye and had had headaches. She suspected sinusitis and prescribed me doxycycline. I had taken doxycycline for almost 6 days before i decided to go hospital due to the increasing pain/pressure/irritation in/behind my eyes. They did all sorts of tests on my eyes and everything came back as normal besides the woman mentioning i may have dry eyes and to use eye drops.

The next day I had woken up with blurry vision and took myself for an eye test that also said I had healthy eyes, and that I definitely did not have optic neuritis (something I had worryingly suspected). I also have had a wisdom tooth come in during the past one month and a half and made an appointment with a dentist to see if the pain in my head, eyes, jaws and ear are due to the tooth. He took x-rays and examined my teeth and told me all is fine, besides the excessive amounts of grinding that I am doing in my sleep. He asked me if I am stressed, and I have been the most stressed out that I have ever been in my whole life right now.

I cannot remember everything in the right order but i also went to see my GP again after seeing mucus in my stools and she ordered more blood tests for Monday which I am waiting to do. In the past three days i have had blood in my urine and when I went hospital, they also found blood and protein in my sample. I have no idea what is happening to my body right now.

The first blood test that i had before i left for university, well the GP surgery that did the test called me up on the phone and told me that my rheumatoid factor was 32 - I think? My esr and crp levels are also high, as previously mentioned. In the past couple of days i have had aches and pains all around my body and now am becoming convinced that I do have rheumatoid arthritis, as clearly there is some sort of inflammation in my body. My head hurts a lot and I still have eye pain. Yesterday I had pain in my chest when breathing and pain in my left side when bending down. I am driving myself crazy and over the past couple of months, I have convinced myself that I had meningitis, a brain tumour, liver failure, pancreatitis, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, a damaged nerve, that I was becoming paralysed. I am going insane out of my mind and the doctors are moving very slowly with this. I feel as though I'm going to sleep and waking up with a new symptom and one previous symptom is disappearing. I still have constipation one day and diarrhoea the next.

Is it possible that ALL of these pains are from anxiety!?? I have previously suffered from social anxiety which is a lot better now and also depression which comes and goes a lot for me. Today i have noticed that I am urinating a lot more, but as i mentioned, it also contains blood. i have not had my period for almost three months now. Is it possible that the stress is causing all of this, or do my symptoms fit in with a condition??? I am crying every single night because I feel like something is very wrong and I am without family at the moment, so I do not have any comfort. i have distanced myself from friends as this is hugely impacting my mood and emotional state. I'm going insane. I'm only 20 so I don't want to believe that I have arthritis :( what are all of these symptoms? Please help :( :weep:

05-10-17, 21:45
You poor poor thing. It's going to be ok. Sending you a virtual hug. xxx

Anxiety can make things worse. IBS is linked to stress. It follows that you being more stressed out will make your body do weird things. I'm not a doctor - I don't know what's anxiety and what's something else.

If I were you, I'd do these things.
- Find one doctor and keep going back to them about all your symptoms. They will be able to figure out over time if any of the symptoms are linked. I suppose this means seeing a GP local to your uni.
- Learn about self-care. You can learn to comfort yourself. Self-compassion is an incredibly valuable trait to foster in yourself. Self-compassion is what healed me from my mental health problems. (google this!)
- Spend time socialising. See if you can get yourself laughing. Laughter really does make a difference.
- Get regular sleep and eat well. If you body is doing all this stuff, you can support it to self-heal better by setting it up right. Drink plenty of water, eat veg, go to sleep at the same time every night.

Whether your symptoms turn out to be anxiety or other things, you can't go wrong with these 4 things.

Going to uni can be stressful, and it sounds like being separated from your family can be stressful for you too. Can you pinpoint exactly what is making you stressed, and find a way to deal with it? This doesn't have to mean giving up on being separated from your family and going home again - instead, you could satisfy your need for comfort through self-comfort and through socialising with your friends.

You will get through this. Learning how to get through this is what will make you, you. It's so valuable. Keep going, sweetie. xxx

07-10-17, 23:37
Same boat as you!!. anxiety is super hard!!

21-10-17, 20:25
This was heartbreaking to read. I can totally relate. I'd never suffered from anxiety until 6 months ago and it has turned my life upside down. I believe you will be fine. Try your best to distract yourself, my thoughts are with you :hugs:

21-10-17, 21:43
What a nightmare. How are you coping. I too can relate.

21-10-17, 21:48
Oh wow, it sounds like you had some legitimate medical scares that have triggered a lot of anxiety - understandably so!! I think anybody who went through that would be feeling similarly. I agree with sticking with one doctor who can have the whole big picture. That is usually very helpful. Try to be kind to yourself. Do you have anybody supportive who knows what you are going through?

21-10-17, 22:02
Big hugs. Try to find a good dr you like and go through each of your issues and deal with them one by one. Sometimes lumping everything together makes it so much tougher and that's without having anxiety!