View Full Version : My Senses are Fooling Me

05-10-17, 21:40
Hi there,

This is my first post, and I guess I'm just looking for some reassurance/advice in terms of the symptoms I'm experiencing. About two months ago I woke up feeling... unusual. More tired/uncoordinated. During the same afternoon I felt faint, and suffered a panic attack with severe hyperventilation on my way to the ER.

After evaluation, nothing seemed worrying, except that I have definitely not been the same since. I don't know whether it's from hyperventilation I'm not consciously aware of, or physical symptoms of anxiety, but I often feel unsteady even when - externally - I appear to have fantastic balance and coordination.

My eyes have also been very fatigued, and I sometimes have difficulty focusing my vision. However, an eye exam didn't show anything alarming. I've visited my specialists, who, in my experience are great providers, and they didn't seem too concerned except that they recommended seeking help for my anxiety.

A psychiatrist said that I closely matched the criteria for somatic symptom disorder, but agreed I seemed to be experiencing some depersonalization as well. I think what I'm struggling with most is that my panic doesn't often raise my heart rate, but I do hyperventilate, or even hold my breath instead. So symptoms come very unexpectedly.

Lately the feeling of unreality is becoming overwhelming, and even though I'm functioning normally from the outside, my senses don't feel quite right. Has anyone seen success with meds for this issue? Or methods to avoid disassociating? I often don't feel anxious until I start to get faint, and then the adrenaline is really pumping.


05-10-17, 21:55
Hey, welcome to NMP :) keep posting on here when you feel weird, people are supportive and nice :)

I'm sorry you feel this way. Can't be fun.
We all experience anxiety in different ways. I haven't experienced exactly what you have, but I have experienced vision problems and not being able to breathe normally.

Now you mention it, I'm thinking about it... citalopram may have helped me actually. I was experiencing these symptoms horribly in 2014 and in 2015 I went on the meds, and my symptoms did get much much better. I suppose, it's all linked to mental health, and the meds help with that.

So... I suppose, the real way to stop these symptoms is to treat the root causes of your anxiety. It's a long road, but it's the lasting cure.

In the interim, learning how to calm yourself down and practicing this regularly can help a lot.

Do you have an emergency plan for when you have a panic attack? If not, can you make one?

---------- Post added at 21:55 ---------- Previous post was at 21:54 ----------

Check out the articles on this section of the site, if you haven't already:

05-10-17, 22:38
Thanks for the quick reply.

I think just identifying that it's a panic attack has helped me a lot, but I'd really like to work on the prevention part. With more general anxiety I find it to be a more mental thing, but with panic...

It feels like once the process starts, even if I can find a more calm place in my mind, the adrenaline and fear response has already set things in motion. And since I'm struggling to find a trigger, maybe meds would be helpful.

05-10-17, 23:47
Meds take several weeks to work - even if you go on them, I recommend starting to learn what to do when a panic attack happens.

It's best if you make your own step by step plan so it's individual to you, but to illustrate what I mean, check this out.
Step 4 type stuff really helps me. I even write that kind of thing on bits of paper and stick them on my wall sometimes.

Well done for identifying it as panic, and also for reaching out for help on here. These are important steps. Keep going. :)

Finding triggers will take time - it's a journey. It's worth it though.

07-10-17, 19:56
For anyone who comes across this thread, just want to say it's important to rule medical issues out - although I've always suffered from anxiety, a doctor just discovered I had an ear infection, and given my medical history, wasn't surprised if it was making me feel odd. So be pushy if you have to.

07-10-17, 21:06
Glad you got some more clarity in the situation :)

07-10-17, 21:48
Meds won't cure you but help you cope with anxiety, while you learn to handle it in a better way so that it doesn't get out of control as you're experiencing.