View Full Version : Squamous Papilloma -> Cancer?

05-10-17, 23:02
Hi All,

I'm 36 old male, unmarried and I had a sore throat 3 months ago and after looking at my throat I had a very small growth in my throat. I went to the GP who said its not cancerous but referred me to the ENT for further diagnosis. The ENT said its a squamous papilloma usually caused by HPV and I can choose to leave it as remove it. I definitely asked to go for a surgery and I had it removed and the biopsy indeed returned and says its a squamous papilloma.

I was in major panic during this period of time, I went to a special doctor 2 days after having it removed to see which strain the HPV was so I could understand if its low-risk and relax or its high-risk and I'm headed straight for cancer like what happened to Michael Douglas.

The HPV PCR test came back negative which could possibly mean it went dormant and going to give me cancer later :(.

Needless to say all this information online about the major rise in throat cancers that related to HPV practically ruined me. I cant sleep, I cant eat and I cant really do anything besides thinking of this virus that MAY or MAY NOT give me cancer, all day long.

Furthermore, I asked the doctor if he thinks I should do the HPV vaccine and he kind of waved off. Also, I told the ENT I am going to stop doing all type of sex until I'm getting married and he said I shouldn't change anything at all and keep living normally.

How can they think its not serious? I mean obviously oral sex is a risk factor for this type of cancer (according to the CDC) yet they didn't think I should stop this behaviour or even get vaccinated?

As of right now, the chances of me having any intimate interaction with a woman is zero, even deep kissing is a possible transmission of this virus. I am afraid I will never be able to have sex again. I dropped my university application for a masters degree because I believe I have no future since I'm heading straight for throat cancer.I was always paranoid of HIV after the media pushed it pretty hard, but it seems HPV is even more dangerous if it can give you cancer and just kill you as people with HIV get to live these days.

I feel hopeless as there's no cure for HPV, no diagnosis for men and I just have to hope it wont give cancer :(

05-10-17, 23:28
I'm a Stage IV Head and Neck cancer survivor. I was diagnosed Squamous Cell Carcinoma HPV+. I had no warning... never even knew I had HPV.

Millions and Millions of people are in the same boat and very, very few get cancer.

The vaccine won't do any good as you already have HPV. At worst here, you don't have cancer and may have to keep a periodic eye on things with the doctor if it proves to be an at risk strain. At best you're fine and can go on with your life without another thought about it (expect the thought of common sense sexual practices ;)).

Anyway... Just want to say I understand because I ain't gonna lie, it sucked! That being said, I survived and I'll be deemed cured in 4 months. Frankly, I think you should count your blessings :)

Positive thoughts

05-10-17, 23:45
Why wont vaccinating do any good? If I got the low risk strain, vaccinating will prevent the cancer HPV strain no?

And why did the HPV PCR test came back negative if the squamous papilloma is caused by the HPV? I wanted to know if its HIGH-RISK or LOW-RISK but It came back negative, what does it mean?

What are my options here? There are no medical tests remaining for me to do.

If god forgives me one last time, my plan is to abstain from sex for good. Now that I know HPV exists and can kill me I don't think theres a chance I will have sex again.

06-10-17, 00:32
And why did the HPV PCR test came back negative if the squamous papilloma is caused by the HPV? I wanted to know if its HIGH-RISK or LOW-RISK but It came back negative, what does it mean?

Wait... you're saying you tested HPV negative?

You said...

I went to the GP who said its not cancerous but referred me to the ENT for further diagnosis. The ENT said its a squamous papilloma usually caused by HPV and I can choose to leave it as remove it.

So you're worried about getting cancer from something you don't have?

Confused and Positive thoughts

06-10-17, 00:52
Wait... you're saying you tested HPV negative?

You said...

So you're worried about getting cancer from something you don't have?

Confused and Positive thoughts

I went to a gynaecologist to do a special HPV PCR test for the oral cavity (through my anxiety mad spree) because I thought I had oral condyloma on my tongue.

The test came back negative which I don't understand. If its negative, how come I had the 'squamous papilloma' where everywhere it says it is caused by HPV? It makes me think the virus went dormant and give me cancer later :(.

06-10-17, 01:15
Ok... thanks for claryfying.

Positive thoughts

07-10-17, 16:52
So what is my next move? The fact you had that, just confirms my beliefs that is not very rare as humanity thinks.

Is there anything I can do besides praying? I am unable to even understand if I have a risk or not since the test is negative and it probably went dormant :(

07-10-17, 17:50
So what is my next move? The fact you had that, just confirms my beliefs that is not very rare as humanity thinks.

Is there anything I can do besides praying? I am unable to even understand if I have a risk or not since the test is negative and it probably went dormant :(

The next move is to get real lfe help with your anxiety over this irrational fear. The fact is, the virus would have been detected. Like the HSV virus (herpes), testing has become sophisticated to the point that it will detect it even if there is not an active outbreak. The fact is you don't have it thus you're not at any risk (.) Period.

Positive thoughts