View Full Version : Enlarged lymph nodes EVERYWHERE - Please help

06-10-17, 00:24
Background: 24, Male, have had enlarged movable lymph node under jaw for many years that has never changed. Havn't been to doctor is years and don't have insurance until November 1. Thin body build/6 ft

Can someone please weigh in before I stress my self to death, I REALLY cannot deal with this crap right now due to a stressfull new job that requires my full attention. In July I noticed some lymph nodes in my left armpit that appeared to be enlarged - they were all in the hairy area so were hard to pinpoint, but they are all seemingly 1cm or smaller, and not fixed to my side (seem to move with my skin). I prodded them almost constantly to the point where they would occasionally sting for a moment randomly/ sometimes my armpit area would be just generally sore from all the prodding.

Then 3 weeks ago I was randomly feeling around in my groin area - and I noticed i have MANY swollen nodes at the top of my thigh where my leg meets my abdomen area(both legs, right side is more noticeable) . Its really hard to say how big the biggest ones are, some are so close to eachother its hard to figure out if its really 1 or 2 nodes. Biggest seems to be maybe slightly larger than 1cm. Again... health anxiety skyrocketed and i started prodding these constantly, looking to see if they were growing - these barely move if at all, not much loose skin there.....Now the other day I found a few on my bicep area near my armpit, biggest being maybe 1-1.25cm - these move under the skin atleast a little. Looking back, I used to weightlift maybe 2.5 years ago, and i remember thinking "hmm, its weird that the inside of my bicep is kinda lumpy...", so its possible these have been here for years... which is good i guess?

I plan on getting a physical in November, which will undoubtedly be the most nerve racking thing possible for me. I'm not worried this is Lymphoma since I have no other symptoms, but I AM worried that these lymph nodes could be either infected with or fighting off some other unknown tumor(s). As far as I know, these have been here for years and I just never noticed them until now. As i said before, ive had one under my jaw just freefloating in that muscle area for many many years, no less than 1cm. Also worth noting there are many smaller ones in the mentioned areas as small as a grain of rice.

Health Anxiety is the absolute worst.
Thank you.

06-10-17, 01:22
Being that you haven't seen a doctor in years and you say your nodes, according to you have been enlarged for the same period of time, that would mean they're not "clinically" diagnosed swollen. It's your perception that they are.

We have 400-600 nodes in our bodies that range from a mm or so up to 2cm. Poke and prod enough and you're bound to feel a few. Poke and prod enough and they can become shotty.

You describe absolutely nothing out of the ordinary and I'm quite sure your exam will confirm that.

Positive thoughts

06-10-17, 05:20
I really appreciate the input fishman, ill be able to sleep tonight atleast. The only phobias i have on this planet are doctors/medical issues - so health anxiety has hit me like a truck recently. Still determined to make an appointment in November and clear this all up!

06-10-17, 21:24
I'm fairly sure it's nothing to be worried about. At worst it's probably an infection your lymph system is dealing with like it should! :)

07-10-17, 01:10
I'm fairly sure it's nothing to be worried about. At worst it's probably an infection your lymph system is dealing with like it should! :)

Maybe, havn't been full on sick in a few years. From my reading online (i know bad idea), it seems that they really only become a concern if they keep growing/get to the size of about a grape. Mine are definitely not that big, more like a large pea at the biggest. I'm just a little worried since i can seriously feel 15+ of them, while it seems that most people online only have a few permanent nodes. Trying my damn hardest not to mess with them, knowing it makes them bigger

The thing keeping me calm is knowing that the one under my jaw has been there for a long longtime(like 5 or 6 years atleast), pretty sure id be long dead by now if that had been due to cancer

07-10-17, 01:36
they really only become a concern if they keep growing/get to the size of about a grape. Mine are definitely not that big, more like a large pea at the biggest. I'm just a little worried since i can seriously feel 15+ of them, while it seems that most people online only have a few permanent nodes. Trying my damn hardest not to mess with them, knowing it makes them bigger

The thing keeping me calm is knowing that the one under my jaw has been there for a long longtime(like 5 or 6 years atleast), pretty sure id be long dead by now if that had been due to cancer

Dude... really? I'm a Stage IV Head and Neck cancer survivor. If I poke and prod I'm sure I'll find at least 15 nodes. "Pea" sized nodes? Be concerned if they get to the size of an egg like mine did and it did so in 6 months! With all due respect, get help with the real illness affecting you (anxiety).

Positive thoughts