View Full Version : Physical Symtpoms and Anxiety

06-10-17, 00:41
Does anyone have anxiety and panic that is mainly physical symptoms only? I would say 95% on my anxiety is based on physical symptoms alone. Mainly palpitations and dizzy/fuzzy feelings in my head. Just curious to know if others seem to suffer from physical symptoms more than anything else.

Also anyone notice or experience how one day you can feel relatively well and good with little to no anxiety. Then the next day have a lot of anxiety? I am mainly speaking about the physical symptoms of anxiety again here. Almost like each day you wake up you're not sure if it is going to be a good day or a bad day, because it seems to change so often.

06-10-17, 00:47
You may not think you're anxious but.....

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Positive thoughts

Senior Moment
06-10-17, 10:16
Yes I know exactly what you mean when you say your anxiety is mainly physical symptoms. I am exactly the same. I can feel quite well mentally, and I will suddenly get a bit of a "fuzzy head" or "dizzy spell" and bang, my anxiety is at an all time high !!! It is so frustrating. I am working through the CBT4panic course on here, which I am finding very helpful and is helping me to rationalise my feelings, but of course it takes time and is sometimes difficult when you just want to feel "normal" again. I'm going to keep at it though, because I can definitely see little improvements. Try it. x

06-10-17, 13:18

I suffer from head pressure / off balance feeling which seems to gradually build / worsen during the day. This happens mainly during week days so I have put it down to anxiety during work both with the people and the environment. I would not describe it as a pain but more of a general unsteadiness and fuzzy feeling in the head - like having too much to drink or walking on a boat / bouncy castle.

Sometimes I look around and wonder if anyone has this or am I just imagining these problems....

Senior Moment
06-10-17, 14:25
Hi Crispy. You have explained it perfectly ! That id exactly what it feels like, it is a very uncomfortable feeling which as you say can last all day sometimes. It makes me nervous about going out alone cos it really feels as if you are going to fall over.Anxiety eh ? What a nightmare it is. x

06-10-17, 14:45
Hi Senior Moment,

Isn't it strange how the human brain seems to work in ways that we just cannot comprehend. Whilst at work even though I can tell myself there is no problem or reason to be upset - my subconscious is suggesting otherwise. I remember after work using the gym to try and release stress but was having real problems using the treadmill as I was losing balance and my coordination was having problems.

I used to think anxiety was just a myth, but unfortunately it is real and can have horrible symptoms. I am a pretty sensitive person in general which doesn't help, am very aware of the people and environment surrounding me.