View Full Version : I really want to recover.....I just don't know how

06-10-17, 04:01
These past couple months worrying about my health just made feel like I can never Be the same person I was before this happened. Like this experience has somehow damaged me. I want to get over it,but feel like this is somehow a comfort zone. It's become apart of me.

06-10-17, 04:44
I don't think anyone on here can you tell you how to recover, how to get over it, because you are you and everyone's recovery is different. I don't have health anxiety myself, I went through a short stint with it and that was due to one to many tv shows and my nan being diagnosed - 8 years ago! she's now in remission.

I can tell you though you will have bad days and good days and it's about making the ratio of good days to bad days bigger. You might never fully recover and health anxiety might always be a part of you but that isn't a bad thing, you learn to cope - aka if you broke your leg you'd learn to walk on crutches it's annoying at first and then you get used too it, same with anxiety. I can't imagine how awful it is to wake up every day and worry about something that isn't there "worry when you have to" I'm sure you've heard that before though

Do you worry about going out and getting hit by a bus? (If yes sorry) but it's the same sort of aspect life is unpredictable, uncontrollable, unfair but it can be bloody amazing. You might make it to 98 and think I spent years worrying over nothing, enjoy life.
