View Full Version : Where to start - I need help

06-10-17, 11:30
Well I have always been bad for health anxiety and had breast cancer 9.5 yrs ago and always been sure I won’t make 10 years - well in May I come down with a bad viral chest infection along with a lot of people around this time - instantly on getting rid of that I got shingles - and then had a skin issue start which I thought was psoriasis but over past 8 weeks got awfully thick and so so so painful - was taking paracetamol and ibuprofen to max dose per day - dr done bloods which came back ok apart from slightly raised ALT - so panic set in for me and they seem to think not s major issue but arranged ultrasound for next week - got urgent dermatologist app as stressing and not eating or sleeping and constantly terrified something bad and they unsure - thinking some rate psoriasis or lupus took bloods and had to return this Monday just gone for ward round and all seems to take a look - bloods cane bacj with negative ANA which they say doesn’t mean no lupus but unusual - asked about liver and it had gone up by 20 to 129 so freaking out - they said they want to do a ct scan which is thus weekend and I am terrified something is going to turn up - I can’t stop shaking inside ALL THE TIME and have lost probably 8lb in 2 months and weighing myself constantly - my friend and dr are saying that a lot of issues are anxiety but I feel terrified - weighed 2 days ago and had dropped just below 10 stone - yesterday trying hard to eat small and often including couple of complans but weighed today and back to 10st 1.5 but even scared to go to loo because of losing weight - how do I stop this ???? I feel broken - am on 35mg Prednisolone while they work out what medication to get me on - also taking omeprazole and now dr has given 2mg of diazepam 3x per day but all of this scares me for liver and I don’t feel any better - just utter total fear I am going to die - please is this feeling all normal - dr said I will lose Weight with anxiety but I can’t see that