View Full Version : Eyes loss of near sight....

13-06-07, 16:29

Does anyone have strange vision?

I had my eyes tested about two months ago and was told i needed a new prescription.I got new glasses which make things sharper eg reading road signs etc

The problem is,i can see to read the opticians charts etc but i cant seem to focus on things that are close up for example,looking closely at my face in the mirror,i just cannot see it properly,but i can see it overall as a whole.

I was looking closely at my eye in the mirror but i couldnt see it in detail.I know this probably makes no sense , but can anyone identify?Its seriously worrying me

Hunny x

14-06-07, 10:51
Does noone have problems with focusing then?Just me?:ohmy:

14-06-07, 12:38
hi hunny, i get this too i believe it is due to being long sighted, as opposed to short sighted. I too can see things from a distance but if i try to look at things closely it becomes blurry. I am sure if it there was anything to worry about the optician would of said. Maybe you need glasses for close up work. If you are really worried about it, i would mention it to the optician just to put your mind at rest. Take care love Helen

14-06-07, 12:42
I have glasses for watching the tv, driving etc so that I can see things that are far away.

Then a couple of years ago I noticed that I found reading a book a little bit of a strain if the print was small and don't even get me started on trying to thread a needle!! :mad: So I now have a separate pair for close up work - I think this sounds a little like you doesnt it.

Love Piglet :flowers:

15-06-07, 11:40
Thank You

I think its more serious than that though.I think the side of side of my head has swollen arteries,not at the temple just about 2 inches above my ear.It twitches and pulsates(not in time with my pulse) like the way you have an eye twitch.It feel sore to touch.I also have ear pain, on the same side but the Dr said my ear is fine,there is loads of pressure in it.Drs are useless

Im so scared,i know its a clot,i can tell

Hunny x

15-06-07, 11:50
Hi Hunny

Take a look at the common symptom page also hun, there are quite a few posts about vision problems that are caused by anxiety.


Hope it helps
