View Full Version : twitches/fasciculations - please help

06-10-17, 17:22
Hi Guys,

I'm extremely anxious right now and I could do with some help. I've been having trouble with twitches/fasciculations for a few weeks now. Been to the doctor - he thinks it is probably anxiety related, although my blood has been drawn for a variety of other tests.

Right now, these twitches are really bothering me - my right calf and the soles of my feet are twitching like crazy, although I tend to get them all over.

I can't calm down and I'm starting to feel very depressed.

Can anyone relate?

Thanks so much,


06-10-17, 19:10
Ive been getting these for about 3/4 weeks too and they are driving me mad, face, legs, arms, stomach everywhere �� we need to relax, but how??

06-10-17, 19:20
Hey Jayne, that sounds exactly like me - I've been getting them everywhere too, again, for 3/4 weeks! The more I think about them, the worse they get! The problem is, the twitching is causing the anxiety, and the anxiety is causing the twitching! I'm trying to not think about them, but it's so difficult when they're there all day long. Have you been feeling anxious/on edge recently?

06-10-17, 19:33
This is a common symptom of anxiety I'm afraid, and as you rightly say, one affects/feeds off the other, making both worse. Meds can also cause twitching - so bear this in mind too if you're on any ADs etc.

06-10-17, 19:41
Thanks KK - I had a consultation with Dr Google a few weeks ago (never a good idea, I know!) and my anxiety spiralled out of control :-( Being living through a nightmare. anxiety blocks out all rational thought.

06-10-17, 19:48
Understand how frustrating and difficult this is but you have to really believe that this isn't serious and will not harm you.

Have you tried/had CBT before? This link might help: it's a free online programme recommended by NMP.


06-10-17, 19:56
Hey KK, yes, I'm sure that if I could truly believe they are nothing to worry about, they would disappear pretty quickly. This has happened to me before - I experience anxiety relating to a particular disorder and then develop the symptoms! Ridiculous!

I've been through a CBT course but thank you so much for the link - I will check it out - I think I need to relearn some of the techniques that I was taught.

06-10-17, 20:09
Thanks KK - I had a consultation with Dr Google a few weeks ago (never a good idea, I know!) and my anxiety spiralled out of control :-( Being living through a nightmare. anxiety blocks out all rational thought.

Dr Google is EVIL and must be avoided at all costs! :shades:

06-10-17, 20:19
I had been worried sick seems like where both in it together! Must be quite common, ive also been having other anxiety symptoms it's really horrible x

06-10-17, 20:36
Hey Jayne, yeah, from what I've read, it's a really common symptom of anxiety, although it's a new one to me, or perhaps I've just started noticing them more. I've been really anxious about this...it's being playing on my mind so much. Anxiety is so horrible. It makes such a difference knowing that I'm not alone.

06-10-17, 21:09
Hi James its never easy I know I have just started CBT last week been waiting since March I asked how many sessions, she said 6 to 8 I said I have over 10 years of depression to work through I am hoping they may extend it for me!! KK is so correct about Dr Google he isn't a Dr and should be truck off lol so do try and stay away from this Dr Hope you feel better soon Cheers

06-10-17, 21:33
Thanks BigboyUK! 6 to 8 sessions isn't many at all. I got several months worth of NHS CBT, but I wonder if it depends on where we live. Hopefully they will extend it and I really hope you get something out of it. Yes, he should be struck off LOL.

06-10-17, 21:44
Thanks BigboyUK! 6 to 8 sessions isn't many at all. I got several months worth of NHS CBT, but I wonder if it depends on where we live. Hopefully they will extend it and I really hope you get something out of it. Yes, he should be struck off LOL. You are welcome James! Hmm I have gone through the well being service so not sure if that's part of the NHS but will find out next Tuesday. Yeah reckon it may be affected by the post code too thank for you kind words Cheers

07-10-17, 07:20
Guys, I've had a really bad night. Can I ask...with anxiety-related twitching, how extensive/frequent does it happen? I'm getting twitches constantly in my claves and the soles of my feet - I can't even feel all of them, although I can see them. Is this typical of anxiety-related fasciculations? I feel so anxious right now - didn't sleep at all. Please help if you can.

Thanks, J.

07-10-17, 11:42
I'm worried today too lots of twitches and aches everywhere feeling fed up, your not on your own x

07-10-17, 11:54
Thanks Jayne....why do we have to suffer such weird and scary symptoms?! I've decided to cut out caffeine...maybe that will help? Yeah, I've got aches too :-( x

07-10-17, 12:01
! I've decided to cut out caffeine...maybe that will help? :-( x

That is a good move, James. Caffeine can certainly trigger the nervous system going into overdrive. I think you should reduce gradually if you drink more than 3-4 coffees/teas a day though.

07-10-17, 12:09
Thanks KK. I drink about 4-5 and sometimes maybe 6 caffeinated drinks a day, and that's alongside quite severe anxiety, so it certainly can't help! I've already had 3 and it's not even lunchtime! Will gradually decrease, as you suggest :)