View Full Version : Ready to give up

06-10-17, 19:21
I really don't know what to do anymore I just want to rewind time. My anxiety is out of control I am so depressed I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm trying so hard to get myself out of this but I can't. I have been trapped in a constant deja vu for exactly 4 weeks today. Literally anything and everything is familiar to me for a split second at a time so many times throughout the day. I don't know how this will end I can't live like this anymore its making me feel physically ill I dread waking up of a morning knowing I'm going to have to face the day every day with this constant deja vu. I feel it may be a form of epilepsy or even a brain tumour now as I know epilepsy doesn't typically present like this, but something must be wrong for me to be feeling like this for a month now. I'm not prepared to live a life like this it is causing severe depression :(

06-10-17, 19:39

You're on a mental health forum so somewhere deep down you know where the illness really lies. We could tell you it's not a tumor or some other feared illness but reassurance is like a band-aid over an open gash and doesn't stop the bleeding. Ultimately, it's up to you to take the steps to seek professional help with this.

I hope you find the inner fortitude to do so.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

06-10-17, 20:12
Hi , a lot of us have felt this way that we can't take another minute of feeling like it never mind another day but it can and will pass , I've gone through really bad times that have lasted months then they passed and I lived normally for years before somthing would trigger it again , I'm currently going through another bad patch down to stress and I do feel I can't carry on at times but I still cling to that glimmer of hope that like before it will get better and I won't remember how bad I feel right now , have you spoken to your gp or tried cbt ?
Hang in there and take care .

08-10-17, 22:34
If I wasn't pregnant I think Id have given up, I can't do this anymore I can't live like this

09-10-17, 21:54
Ive been there (still sort of am) so I know how that feels. I convinced myself I had bowel cancer (I have IBS) but I’d though about it for so long and even made plans as to what I’d do when diagnosed that it became real. The last month has been a living hell and I’m still not fully out of the woods yet. However I’m getting there. Things feel less scary for me now. It’s taken an amazing GP, a counsellor and medication. I honestly felt it was never going to get better either but it will. I know it’s hell right now but it’s not forever.