View Full Version : Brain Tumour Worries! TERRIFIED!

13-08-17, 23:40
I've had a headache that was initially started by a pain in my right temple, it arched down into a bad tooth of mine. I thought nothing of it until day 3-4, when it started to feell ike someone was wrapping my scalp in a headband.

I went to the doctors, and they did the following tests;

Blood pressure and heart rate (I have high blood pressure and an elevated pulse, but am very overweight so this might explain it.)

Balance and co-ordination exercises

looked into my eye with a light

They said it was nothing sinister and told me to take 500 mg ibuprofen

It's coming up on day 9 of the same headache now, and i've been experiencing a very slight dizziness, comparable to being ever so slightly unsure on your feet. I've been bedbound for days (voluntarily, trying to get rid of the headache.) so this might explain it, but i'm so, so worried it's a brain tumour! I know not many medical experts peruse these forums but if someone could give some sort of exaplanation as to how the doctor knew I didn't have a brain tumour or give me some sort of indication of what might be going on, i'd be very happy. The toothache is still there but i dont see how it would cause dizziness.

I am so unbelievably scared of a brain tumour that i've been crying myself to sleep lately.

14-08-17, 03:54
I had this EXACT problem last month. Started with a sharp pain in my right temple, then radiated all over my head. I also felt very off balanced, and almost light-headed. Went to the doctor, they told me to hydrate more and to stop worrying about it. Eventually it went away. I believe it was caused by neck tension, possibly due to anxiety. Have you been more anxious than usual before this started? Or stress? I would bet that's the cause. And it does eventually go away. Just gotta relax and let it do its thing!

14-08-17, 09:22
I was having the same symptoms and found out it was caused by tight muscles in the base of the scull , those big muscles either side the back of my neck . I went to a phsyio and he worked on the muscles ( it was painful ) but after 2 days the headaches disapeared and haven,t come back . He taught ne some exercises to do at home and to practice better posture . Stress causes all sorts of strange symptoms and for me this was one of them . I also went to the GP who assured me I had nothing sinister before I went to the physio .

14-08-17, 14:22
Ive been having the same issue, most always on the right side of my head, mostly behind or above my right eye. Sometimes it happens on the left side though.

Have you noticed any eye-strain lately from this? Like a really tired feeling in your eyes?

It has gotten better for me over the past week so hopefully you have some relief soon! I had it every day for probably 3-4 weeks now, though it appears to be going away gradually (thank God, knock on wood).

17-08-17, 02:49
Muscle tension in the head and neck can actually cause dizziness. I've noticed a lot of times I am tensing up due to stress without even realizing it. Try relaxing your head and neck, maybe stretching it a bit.

13-09-17, 22:15
Hi guys. Quick update!

The symptoms have settled to a tension in the front of my head and pain running down the left side of my neck into my arm. Ibuprofen helps the neck pain but not the headache, and lying down in my normal resting position helps the neck pain which makes me think its probably strain.

But because of the fact its been going on so long, im pretty much convinced it's something sinister, going to my third gp appointment tomorrow and have been so anxious that i havent been able to function. this is ruining my life.

05-10-17, 20:43

The Doctor ordered ECG and Bloods. Both of which came back normal, in the same appointment that we discussed results, i mentioned some symptoms of the tension headache i had discovered after close monitoring, and he prescribed me antibiotics and a steroid nasal spray. The good news first; i have no tension-like symptoms since I left that doctor's appointment on the 3rd. Bad news, I still have a very slight presence which ocassionally escalates into pain on the right side of my head, it is a very fixed point which makes me extremely scared it is a brain tumour. If anyone who has had people with brain tumours or has one themselves, I'd be very grateful if i could talk about your experiences, and if you had headaches what they 'Felt' like.

06-10-17, 21:28
I've had a series of headaches since the 6th of august and am absolutely TERRIFIED I have a brain tumour! If anyone here can tell me why it's unlikely please do!

I've made a symptom list and brief headache diary here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KkP8KIF6R4bLtesCLgzXl5grghT6_buRp7o47xx06Qs/edit?usp=sharing

I've been to three doctors who all say there's no presenting symptoms of increased intercranial pressure or papilodema, and no tertiary neurological symptoms besides shoulder pain on one side.

After being given a nasal spray the tension parts of my headache listed in the diary faded, but i still get intermittent pain around the right side of my head.

06-10-17, 21:42

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


06-10-17, 21:50
Oh, woops. Sorry, didn't realise multiposting was against the rules.