View Full Version : HIV fear won’t go away

07-10-17, 12:57
I had what I thought was a Hiv risk after a drunken sexual encounter, but was reassured by a HIV specialist that it was ZERO risk. I accepted that fo a few days but my mind is now wondering do I remember everything from the night, I kind of know myself this is irrational but can’t get it out of my head. Any suggestions on how to do it?


07-10-17, 14:51
I am the very same, my HA seems to revolve around HIV worries and I don't even know why!

07-10-17, 15:02
I go through phases of worrying about catching it from just about anything, even though I know it’s not possible. But this recent sexual encounter has me in its grasp and won’t let go.

07-10-17, 16:29
You've been given the best reassurance you can get from an expert in the field. Common sense lifestyle choices and decisions concerning sexual encounters would help alleviate most future fears. Other than that, you could always devote yourself to Buddhism and move to a remote monastery in China ;)

Positive thoughts

07-10-17, 19:52
I went through this phobia last year. Convinced myself I had HIV from getting a tattoo (despite no one ever catching HIV in that way). Eventually I just bit the bullet and went to my local GUM clinic. I was so nervous and paced round the building several times before going in. Once I got there despite feeling a bit embarrassed it wasn’t that bad. Everyone else is there for the same reason so... You just fill in a form and they call you, you can even give a fake name if you like. Then they take some blood and they text you the results if they’re clear, which I’m sure in your case they will be. I know it’s not an ideal situation but if you’d like compete reassurance it’s the best route imo.

08-10-17, 01:08
there is only a couple of ways you can get hiv, sharing needles and unprotected intercourse. blood supple is safe so forget that one, you can't get hiv from a tattoo. hiv dies as soon as it hit the air within seconds. please learn transmission.

08-10-17, 09:21
That’s the thing with me, I’ve read so much on the virus I know a lot about transmission, I even know that my exposure was zero risk. It’s just this feeling I have inside me going through things and then putting doubts in my mind about what happened.

08-10-17, 15:02
so now its time to visit a mental health counselor , we have all done that. you will be a better man for it. good luck

08-10-17, 15:17
I’ve tried CBT but it just didn’t work for me, what other options do I have?

08-10-17, 15:55
There are other counselling approaches. I've had several CBT courses, and while they worked for me, in the end I became "too good" at CBT and my anxiety wasn't decreasing after a recent appalling relapse. I ended up seeing a psychologist, who adapted my thinking to use elements of CBT but also other approaches, which has worked well for me this time.

Try to get your doctor to refer you (or self refer if you can) to a different counsellor who uses a different approach.

08-10-17, 22:53
I’ve tried CBT but it just didn’t work for me, what other options do I have?

I remember when i was so worried about hiv, i was so upset, someone one turned around and said if your gonna worry about it you might as well have it. I have diabetes, right now that is worst than hiv