View Full Version : Odd Muscle Weakness in Hamstrings (PLEASE HELP)

Yag Dev
07-10-17, 18:06
Sorry I know I just posted a few days before but there's been a morbid fear in my head of MND.

I made a habit these past few months of working out my legs as a way to get rid of my fear of weak legs. I figured if I worked out hard enough I could show to myself that I'd never have those issues.

Anyway, these past few weeks, I've felt one particular leg weak in the hamstrings. I was working out this morning and took a quick break to have my friend check my hamstring strength. I was appalled to see that I barely could resist the pulling force he applied as he was pulling my leg outward. Similar situation on the right side, only it was a little bit stronger.

In addition to this I've had fasciculations in the medial head of my right gastrocnemius muscle. A few fasciculations in my right gluteus muscle and a few facial fasciculations.

But what concerns me most is the hamstring/glute weakness. I also notice that sometimes when I walk, I am a little unstable on my feet, but am somehow able to run properly....

I don't know what's going on, does this sound like anything serious??

Workout Routine:

Last week:

1) Leg Press: 115 pounds (12 reps) and 3 sets on both legs together. Then 10 reps w/ one set on only my left leg.
2) Adductor Workout: 90 pounds w/ 10 reps and 3 sets on both legs
3) Quadricep extension: 90 pounds w/ 12 reps and 4 sets with both legs together

This Week:

1) Leg Press: 135 pounds (12 reps) and 3 sets on both legs together. BUT MY LEFT LEG WAS BARELY ABLE TO DO ANY REPS WITH THIS WEIGHT LEVEL.
2) Adductor Workout: 110 pounds w/ 10 reps and 3 sets on both legs
Didn't do Quadricep Extension

HAMSTRING WORKOUT: Only 92 pounds on one leg w/ 10 reps and 3 sets...

I saw a Nurse Practitioner 3 weeks ago:

He said my leg strength didn't seem abnormal, but didn't check my hamstrings. He checked my reflexes and said they were all 2+

07-10-17, 18:38
Just so I'm clear... you're working out and quite hard at that, and after working your hams, you were feeling weaker?

Positive thoughts

Yag Dev
07-10-17, 20:24
That and also before. I was lying on my front on my bed and pushed against the back of my left leg and pulled back with my left leg to resist and found it was hard for me to do so.

07-10-17, 20:31
And what is your concern then? I don't read anything in your post at all that's concerning other than your focus on normal bodily sensations.

Positive thoughts

Yag Dev
08-10-17, 00:52
My concern/fear was that it was some neuromuscular issue. While I tried to reassure myself that there is nothing there because I was checked up by a NP just 3 weeks ago...But there's so many unanswered questions...

1. What would happen if my hamstrings failed? Is it safe to say I wouldn't be able to work out like this?

2. Some say weakness in MND is gradual others say its sudden...I rly don't get it

3. I was able to lift 135 lbs in the leg press with my right leg alone but was barely able to do 2 reps with my left leg...

4. My legs occasionally buckle. No to the point where I fall down, but enough that I notice...Surprisingly for hte past 3 weeks it barely happened. I asked about whether that's signs of clinical weakness but I was told by a person that in the case of MND or other neuromuscular issues the weakness would be almost permanent.