View Full Version : Electric feeling, brain zaps?

07-10-17, 19:27
Sometimes i get this electric shock feeling.. it only lasts for a second.. and its like a few times for a few minutes.. First it only happened after taking a nap, but today also in the evening! What is this??

Also i noticed my fingernails are always a bit purple-ish.

I really don't want to google i know i'll get the worst. Im only 28 and feel otherwise fine.. i think it's anxiety but not sure?? Anyone get this too? Only thing that has changed is that i'm coming off Escitalopram

07-10-17, 19:33
Only thing that has changed is that i'm coming off Escitalopram

Bingo! Common side effect of coming off meds.

Positive thoughts

07-10-17, 19:36
Ah that's interesting.. i had been taking 10mg Escitalopram a day for a few months, and since a week i've been doing 5mg every other day. So quite a chance. But my doctor said it would be okay.

also notice i feel like sleeping and take naps during the day time, but i feel good and my anxiety is alot less somehow..

The electric brain zaps feel strange tho, not painful but just...weird

07-10-17, 19:37
"Brain zaps" are a common withdrawal symptom of ADs. How are you tapering this med? It should be done gradually. Maybe you're coming off it too quickly. You need to speak to your doctor if you haven't been given advice re this.

EDIT. I notice you say you're taking it "every other day". This could be problem.

09-10-17, 19:05
So i just woke up from a nap and it happened again, what is the logic behind this happening? I don't understand and it feels really weird...

@KK77, yes, i think it might be better if i come off them more slowly

I don't understand how coming off meds causes this? it started since coming off. and why does it happen after waking up from a nap... it lastst a few minutes so weird, a electric shock feeling trough my body..