View Full Version : DVT worries

07-10-17, 22:50
Really worrying about a DVT I am 39+4 weeks pregnant. My pain is like random stabbing and stinging pains in my right leg all over in random places. Getting scared a clot has traveled to my femoral vein because I've even getting the stinging pains in my groin. Really terrified now :(

07-10-17, 22:55
You're nearly ready to give birth. There's bound to be all sorts of things going on in your body, none of them sinister. IMO, if you were really in that much distress, you wouldn't be posting on an anxiety forum waiting for reassurance ;)

Positive thoughts

07-10-17, 23:35
You're right I wouldn't be wasting time on here I'd be on the way to the hospital. But still makes me nervous !

08-10-17, 01:13
Hey been having the same worry for a long time, I guess groin pains are normal in pregnancy! I've been getting them too and also thought it had travelled into my femoral vein! Anyway my right calf doesn't worry me anymore since I started getting pain in my left one now...it sucks so bad to have this fear

08-10-17, 01:36
Your babe is probably just crushing a nerve! Hang in there and bring it up to your dr next apptbut just enjoy this beauty baby you’re about to have