View Full Version : Swallowed a bone...

08-10-17, 09:38
While eating dinner tonight (about 5 hours ago) I accidentally swallowed a small fish bone. I only noticed as it was going down but it did hurt my throat a bit. I felt fine after eating but now that I’m in bed trying to sleep I’m having some stomach pain and my throat feels sore. I’m terribly afraid the bone is tearing up my insides. Is this something I should go to the ER for? My husband says he’s swallowed tons of bones in his life and been fine but of course I’ve read one google in the past where people have died after swallowing bones (of course...) Has anyone been through this before?

09-10-17, 06:17
The only one I’ve heard to cause damage is when people have swallowed jagged edged chicken bones. Fish bones will only scratch you going down, stomach acid can easily break down fish bones. It will feel sore for a day or two.