View Full Version : So upset, please help going crazy over this

01-09-17, 21:30
PLEASE HELP!!! So it all started a little over a month ago, I'm 20 years old, pregnant, don't have any dvt in my family that I know of, but all of a sudden I was just walking and felt a little pain in my right calf, it felt really familiar so I didn't think much about it, didn't hurt anymore, two days later the pain started again, I googled it and of course dvt everywhere, so I rushed myself to the ER, they did some blood work on me, high d dimers but every ob told me this test should not be used during pregnancy since pregnant woman usually have high d dimers due to uterus growth, so I didn't care much about that, but the pain kept getting slightly worse, like a cramp but sometimes sharp pain in my calf, so I went to the ER again where they did a eco doppler on my leg and came back normal, I was releaved but then the pain was still there I started worrying again and found horror stories of people who did the eco doppler, came back normal and still had dvt, so a week later went to the ER again, this time with short breath and chest pain(strongly believe it was due to anxiety as I don't have these anymore) they did another eco doppler on me, came back normal again, they also did a bunch of tests on my lungs and heart, everything normal...they told me it was nerve pain as baby is pressing down the uterus, but I don't see anyone complaining about this as well...I'm on pain medication and I almost have no pain but if I don't take it, I get strong pains on calf, and now it has creeped up my leg, behind the knee and behind the thigh and just today started felling sharp pain in my groin, the pain jumps from place to place, on calf then on foot then on ankle then on outer calf then on thigh and so on...I'm so worried I keep thinking I'm going to die this has taken over my life, I can't even to daily tasks no more, I'm so scared please someone help me I cry all the time because of this which is so bad for the baby, please help me!!!! ( I had dozens of doctors examine my leg, they say is not swollen, red or warm to touch, soft muscles and even felt my pulses) I do think I have a bit of swelling above my ankle though but I think is just me maybe...I feel a lot of tingling on the area as well and twitching...I also have a very bad past of hypochondria but didn't have any problems with it for about a year

01-09-17, 22:10
Ahhh I had terrible anxiety during pregnancy and was convinced I'd die - hormones do a number on us in pregnancy and rational thinking goes out the window. I had issues with my right leg during pregnancy and it would ache in parts, go dead, tingle, feel cold etc. Sometimes I could hardly walk as it was so heavy. It was baby lying on a nerve and she stayed there until I delivered. The hospital wouldn't let a pregnant lady leave if there was the slightest chance of you having something like a blood clot. Have you tried mindfulness for your anxiety? It helped me a bit. There's an app called headspace I really recommend it. Also the mind can play terrible tricks when you're anxious about certain things. I was obsessed with cardiac issues during my pregnancy and had every test under the sun. I would still get breathlessness, chest pains etc. Anxiety is a cruel companion x

01-09-17, 23:03
Yes I guess the hormones do play a big role on it :weep: did you have pain in your calf too?

02-09-17, 15:07
You have been checked thoroughly and they didn't find anything, so you have to find a way to accept that....I remember during pregnancy getting terrible charlie horses, mostly in my sleep, but they were happening every day. Maybe this is a similar process to what is going on with you? HYpochondria can also make the pain appear/persist. JUst a personal expefience...I also had elevated d dimer earlier in the year, and ct found nothing (I am not pregnant). Well, I have been in a terrible state for the past 4-5 months with two separate cancer scares (involving masses and testing, one of them skin which was a basal cel, one of them soft tissue that docs decided was benign by mri). I have also had a persistent cough with some wheezing and, given my mental state, I am all over lung cancer. Haven't had time to get to the doctor yet but yesterday, after I had been thinking about my earlier ct that was clear, I'll be darned if I didn't feel the same pain in my lung that prompted them to test the d-dimer in the first place. I think it was totally my imagination b/c it was gone like 10 mins later. THe really sucky thing for us is that we can't trust what we feel, and that makes knowing what is real and what is no REALLY hard. Is there any way the lingering pain you feel could be imagination? It's so hard to know but I find, sometimes, I am able to focus on a pain and make it go away, making me think it's just the HA talking.

06-09-17, 16:16
Hi guys, please I need some help and some tips as I am extremely depressed and constantly worried about this, I'm 20 years old and currently 32 weeks pregnant and a little over a month ago I felt a little twinge in my right inner calf, I brushed it off and the pain stopped, but then two days later it started again, so I decided to go to the ER, they did a d dimer test which came back elevated (I was told by several ob's not to worry because this test should not be used on pregnant women as they are always elevated) so they said it was nerve pain due to the weight of the belly and just sent me home, the pain got worse so I went to the Er again and they sent me to a vascular surgeon to have a doppler scan, he said I was fine so they sent me home and again said it was nerve pain...I started googling about doppler scans and read horror stories where people had two us done that came back normal but still had DVT, so I panicked and went to the Er again as pain did not stop, they said I had no swelling (even though I notice a little bit of swelling just below the calf) no redness and the leg wasn't warm to touch so I was fine, but they still did the doppler, which came normal again... this week rushed to the Er as I started feeling my leg cramping aswell as my toes and my calf and hamstring felt tight, the did a doppler again and it came back fine, again I was sent home with no explanation for this pain...I also feel twitches where I have the pain and sometimes my leg feels cold, but not to touch...these days later I've also felt pain in groin and inner thigh...I had to come live to my parents house since I can't be alone anymore due to this, I have panic attacks almost every night and I just feel like I'm going to collapse and die, I feel so miserable for doing this to my baby, please someone help me!

06-09-17, 17:18
You're are 32 weeks pregnant! The body may be a wonderful thing but god pregnancy is hard on it! My first was 9lb 1oz and second 12lb 1oz. Your body is going to ache until that little baby is out. Just breathe and remember you have that precious littlen inside of you growing and being nurtured. Pregnancy is such a wonderful thing but my god it's hard! Please don't worry, if you do have concerns talk to your midwife. You don't have longneck left now so just relax and enjoy (well as much as you can being pregnant ;D) your time before your little one comes.
Lots of love xx

10-09-17, 13:34
Hey, I'm a 20 year old female, 33 weeks pregnant, about two months ago I felt a little pain, very localized in my calf, brushed it off, two days later it was back and it was getting worse, I went to the hospital scared of dvt, had doppler ultrasound done, everything normal, of course I got home and read horror stories about people who had several dopplers done and still had dvt, so since the pain got worse one week later back to the hospital and so on....in the course of these two months, I had three doppler ultrasounds done, two by vascular doctors, all three came normal...the pain was getting worse and progressed to the back of my thigh , the outside of my calf my groin and inner thigh, so desperate my mother took me to an osteopath, she massaged my leg (gave me major anxiety) and I got out of there with no pain whatsoever, like it was never there...now two days later the pain is slowly creeping in again, which I guess it's normal since I wouldn't just be healed from one session...I have no major swelling( just a little between my calf and ankle) nothing major almost not noticeable, no redness, warmth e.t.c. Just the pain...guys is this all in my head? Please I can't sleep I can't eat cause I will vomit because I'm so nervous, I can't to anything but cry cause I'm sure I will be dead before I can deliver this baby, I feel so bad because of all the anxiety I'm putting this baby through but I just can't control it....HELP PLEASE

10-09-17, 13:56
It might be worth seeing your doctor with this new information. The thing about going to a hospital scared that you have "x" is that they immediately start looking for "x" in many cases. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you now go to your doc and say that your calf/leg pain was relieved briefly by massage, but is returning, then they might have more to go on.

There are so many benign things that can cause leg cramps - electrolyte imbalances, fluid retention, stress leading to tension in the muscles, strain on your core from the weight of your baby, etc. You don't really need to jump straight to dvt. But because you are pregnant, it is worth being reasonably cautious - and at the very least relieving your discomfort.

Also, don't read the horror stories online. Just don't. Yes things go wrong, but you don't know the circumstances that led to those things going wrong. Maybe those people didn't even have dvt until their final doppler? Maybe their symptoms up until that point were muscular or nerve compression?

Anyway, talk to your doc, but try not to jump to the catastrophic possibilities. There are so many more benign and manageable possibilities before you even get to dvt. Be kind to yourself!

10-09-17, 21:20
Do you think that the fact that it was relieved by a massage means it isn't a dvt?

10-09-17, 21:24
Do you think that the fact that it was relieved by a massage means it isn't a dvt?

Not a doctor but from what I understand about DVTs, massage wouldn't relieve the pain and in fact would hurt like hell!

Positive thoughts

11-09-17, 00:37
Yes I also thought that...and I felt really good for a couple of days...0 pain...but now is coming back and I'm stressing again :weep: I just have no idea what to do...my next osteopath appointment is only Friday and I can't help but think I'm not going to survive till then....

---------- Post added 11-09-17 at 00:37 ---------- Previous post was 10-09-17 at 22:02 ----------

Update: now I feel a lot of pain and pressure in my foot aswell, I'm really worried

11-09-17, 03:31
When I was pregnant with my third one I got horrible leg pain. I went to the doctors and they rushed me to get tested for DVT. That's where I learned what that was :( and it came back negative for it. They then find out that the baby was in a position that was causing hip issues which then caused me to have sciatica. Which you do get calf, thigh and groin pain. It sucks but at least it doesn't kill you. Massages helped me for a few hours and then it would be back. They said I wasn't going to feel relief until baby was born :) and your almost there.

12-09-17, 06:09
My friend just had a DVt last night- massive pain... went to ER and they saw it on Doppler.... I've had this HA fear three times before.... each time it was my anxiety... I'm not saying that is your case... but I feel like you would know

15-09-17, 00:18
Hey I really need some help please, I can't sleep eat think or even be alone at the moment, I had to come live with my parents since I can't be alone! I'm 20 years old and 32 weeks pregnant, and about a month and a half ago I felt a little twinge in my calf, went away for two days then came back...I don't know why but in the back of mind I thought maybe it was dvt...a few days later since the pain was coming and going, kind of in a wave pattern I went to the Er, they did a doppler on me(really quick) said it was normal and sent me home...the pain got a little worse, so one week later different Er, another doppler (I think it was a bit better than the first one) came back normal...leg pain increasing a little, pins and needles from knee down and twitching, Er again (a different one) almost a month after, another doppler (this one wasn't performed by a vascular doctor which made me really concerned even though he really took his time) and again normal, yesterday had a panic attack over the pain Er again (same one as last time but different doctor, he was a little in a rush) doppler came normal again...but the pain started in my calf, on the inner side, goes down to the ankle (kinda tender to touch) and now, back of my knee, hamstring feels tight...I don't have any redness warmth, and isn't swollen (at least that I can notice) it doesn't hurt to walk I walk normally, but I sometimes feel a dull pain, tingling, and a lot of twitching where it hurts...I don't think it is sciatica, and Charlie's horses wouldn't last for so long I'm sure...I'm so scared they are missing something and I just keep imagining me falling drop dead :weep: I feel really scared for me and my unborn daughter, I can't sleep and I'm truly depressed as I saw horror stories of people who had dvts and the scans missed them :weep: I feel so miserable as I truly believe I'm not going to survive this pregnancy (also I had an osteopath appointment last week and had no pain for two days then it progressively came back again)

15-09-17, 01:13
I think I replied to ur last post.

It sounds like sciatica to me if not sciatica because some argue it's a specific type of pain, then it's a nerve or muscle or tendon that's irritated from the added weight. Remember your pelvic area was used to having no weight on it and now it's dealing with 5-8 lbs.

I had Charlie horses every night and day with my first pregnancy. It was because I was dehydrated and low on potassium.

I got my calf pains with my last two pregnancies and I was told it's from irritated nerves. It's possible you can be okay. Trust me I know how it is to always think negative and right now that you are pregnant focus on the good that's to come.

15-09-17, 01:19
Anything that feels like muscle aches you should try eating a banana. I know it sounds completely crazy but the above poster is right in that it could be low potassium.
Sounds like they have tested you enough that if there was something there they would have found it.
At some point you are going to have to believe it's not anything dire and work on just relieving the pain.

15-09-17, 01:26
Hey, I'm already taking magnesium, I've been taking it for the last month...I mean if the pain got better for two days after an osteopath massaging it that's a strong indicator it isn't a clot right? And also it is worse when I'm quiet...it gets better when I walk

Catherine S
15-09-17, 02:36
Are you a little confused with how many weeks pregnant you are? Last week 33, this week 32? You've been posting about this dvt fear for some weeks now. You've been told by your doctors you don't have a dvt, not sure what anybody here can say that will ease your fear...the people who've replied to your threads about this don't seem to be able to reassure you.

Pregnancy seems to create some of the most persistant and ongoing fears on the forum. You're near the end of your pregnancy so hopefully the hormones will settle down after you have your baby.

Best wishes
Cath S ☺

15-09-17, 08:08
No, I went for my us this week and they actually saw that I was in fact 32 weeks pregnant, I think maybe I got confused in the middle of the doctors kinda messed it up...I'm sorry is just that I'm so scared for me and my daughter, and it's hard to believe I would have cramp last for so long...I'm so scared

15-09-17, 08:16
Cramps are a well known problem in pregnancy especially nearer the end. I had severe cramps from 30 to 35 weeks. Please dont worry its a DVT. If it was all of they drs would have noticed it. X

15-09-17, 08:24

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


15-09-17, 17:43
I don't know what to do any,ore, I can't handle this, the pain is worse and worse, I can't walk I can't do anything, I started having pain in my calf a month and a half ago, I'm 32 weeks pregnant, I'm so sure it is a dvt but I already had 4 doppler scans that came normal but this pain sounds so much like a dvt, its in my calf, and now it has came up to the back of my knee my hamstring feels so tight, I'm taking magnesium, I have no vitamin problems as my doctor tested my blood cause maybe the problem was there but it's not, I tried osteopath, worked the first time but now it actually made my leg worse, tried swimming, walking stretching hot, cold, everything, nothing eases my pain, I feel so desperate, I'm so scared it is a dvt, I fear for my daughter I really need help for this pain, I cry everyday all day cause this is to much, and I have a really good pain treshold believe me. But this is too much

15-09-17, 19:39

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


16-09-17, 01:56
Someone please, has anyone been through the same?

16-09-17, 02:39
You've had 12 replies reassuring you. I believe you're having pain. At 32 weeks, your body is bound to be going bonkers with a growing child in you, but you have to find a way to rationalize that it's just not sinister.

Words on a screen won't do that for you. Getting real life help for your anxiety would be the best advice for you and your soon to be baby.

Positive thoughts

ALSO: How did the doctor appointment go today?

18-09-17, 00:37
So another one guys...yesterday mom rushed me to the Er again since I started having another panic attack over the pain in my leg...they did an ultrasound to see tears on my calf and lower leg, the lady also checked my veins to see if she could see some major blockage as this ultrasound apparently doesn't pick up small ones but a big one would show up...she didn't see anything, but the doctors did refer me for a vascular appointment...I'm so scared, but I guess since the pain has been here for about a month and a half, if I had something it would be big enough by now right? this pain has been here for so long...I had the 4 normal doppler scans but I just can't understand where this pain is coming from, I'm so scared for my daughter to the point where I just want her to be born so if something happens she won't be affected by it....I'm so scared I feel like I'm in a sunken hole and I'm really depressed...has anyone been through this?

18-09-17, 00:46
What did the doctor say when you went Friday? And you're saying they saw tears in your calf and lower leg muscles? Wouldn't that be the explanation for the pain?

Positive thoughts

18-09-17, 00:55
No they didn't see anything, no tears, that's why she checked the veins, since she was trying to find a reason for the pain :weep:

18-09-17, 01:04
No they didn't see anything, no tears, that's why she checked the veins, since she was trying to find a reason for the pain :weep:

My misunderstanding. So nothing was found again after dozens of doctors have tested and examined you.

You never did say what the doctor say on Friday...

Positive thoughts

18-09-17, 01:14
You mean the vascular appointment? Sorry didn't made it clear but I'm still waiting for them to get back to me to make my appointment, that's how it works here in Portugal, now I just have to wait, it will be scheduled for five to ten days from now

---------- Post added at 01:14 ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 ----------

But I feel like I'm not going to make it till then and that something horrible will happen :weep:

18-09-17, 01:22
Well... I wish you the best...

Positive thoughts

au Lait
18-09-17, 01:49
I'm sorry you're in pain. You will make it. The feeling you're having that something horrible will happen is from anxiety. Anxiety makes your brain feel as though something terrible is lurking around every corner. If your dr thought you were in that bad of shape they wouldn't be making you wait for an appointment, they would have rushed you to a specialist right away. They haven't found anything, which is good news. Everything will be ok.

18-09-17, 02:20
Yeah I hear anxiety makes you feel like that, but at the same time I'm that type of person that really trusts her instincts as they a lot of times are proven right...so that mixed with the sensation that something will happen you can already guess where this is going....it's so bad cause even though I know that it's possible for anxiety to make me feel like that I just can't believe it at the same time...it's a constant fight and it's taking over me, I feel so sad that I couldn't enjoy this pregnancy properly, and all because of calf pain

18-09-17, 02:23
Could the pain be related to the extra weight you're carrying? Is it worse when you've been standing a lot?

Also, due to the pregnancy, you are shifting your weight as your walk, so it may be due to that.

Just trying to think of ideas.

18-09-17, 02:40
Yes I also thought about that, i gained the normal amount of weight for a pregnant woman, but still I've never been this heavy so I thought about that aswell, but it doesn't look like that, I also thought trapped nerve as I get tingling and ALOT of twitching along the painful area...but it's kinda like a dull aching pain and sometimes it feels like a pinch aswell...and nerve pain is usually sharp I guess, so I don't think it would be that neither...I've been trying to figure out what this is for a month and a half...i google it but besides dvt I can't find anything similar, but all the tests came negative!!!

21-09-17, 04:52
So guys, my HA has calmed down a bit (intense DVT fear)...I'm trying to keep it racional once and for all, the thing that is really bothering me is that my calf still hurts, it's not in the muscle, it's this sort of sharp twinge (sometimes dull) and also my hamstring feels really tight and quite sore aswell, my inner thigh is also bothering me...and the pain goes from my calf to my ankle, on the inner side, even though I've been getting the twinges on the back of the calf aswell, no redness, not swollen, not warm to touch, I can walk, four doppler scans have been made, everything normal, no tears in muscle or tendons either...I'm 33 weeks pregnant and going insane...it's not Charlie horses or cramps I guarantee you...I've had this pain since I was 26 weeks pregnant, has anyone been through this? Help please, I've tried osteopath, worked wonders the first time, no pain for two days, then it came back, the second time she touched somewhere wrong and the pain was the worse, so not coming back, the only thing that seems to relieve the pain is pain killers, the kind that pregnant woman take but I don't like taking them everyday because of the baby, but if I don't take them, It gets painful and I get really anxious and start panicking which I guess it's worse :weep: help please :weep:

23-09-17, 05:24
You have had 4 tests you have been cleared

Fun fact I still have my leg pain that I mentioned in one of your posts it went away then came back with a vengeance. I now feel tightness right behind the knee.
Anxiety can make these pains feel worse then they really are.

24-09-17, 15:16
Really? That makes me so much more relaxed, I thought I was the only one, and yes I agree that anxiety can make everything worse, I just find it hard to accept that this pain might be due to something else

24-09-17, 15:31
I think I've mentioned before that I had leg pain during pregs and it got really bad after pregnancy then just tapered off. 4 months later and I have zero issues with it. Dr said it just happens in pregnancy and offered to refer me for physio xx

24-09-17, 15:50
What did your pain feel like? I guess pregnancy is just Plain weird :wacko: lots of weird pains and that can be really stressful for people like me with bad HA

24-09-17, 20:24
Hey guys, so I really need some tips from people who suffer from HA aswell, I'm 34 weeks pregnant and since 26 weeks I've been having pains in my calf hamstring and back of the knee on the right leg, now In my inner thigh and groin too...I've convinced myself I have dvt, I've got 4 doppler ultrasounds in different hospitals and by different doctors, all came back normal, including one ultrasound to look for tears in the muscle which also allows too see the veins (not as good as a doppler) and the lady said it didn't seem like I had something in the vein in my calf, but the pain is there, a sharp but sometimes cramps dull ache, it as been getting worse, I'm so scared but at the same time I know I'm being irrational because if there was something there they probably would've found it...but I also read horror stories of people having a lot of ultrasounds but still had dvt and the doctors didn't saw it...I'm really scared for my baby and I, i Just imagine the worse and it makes me so anxious, I'm currently in my parents home because I can't be alone since I have really bad panic attacks, you guys have reassured me a bit in the other posts, but I still have this little bug behind my ear...I don't know what to do, I'm trying my best but the pain is there reminding me that something is going on with my body and I'm just scared I'm a ticking time bomb...help guys, and thank you so much for your patience

au Lait
25-09-17, 02:03
Couldn't it just be that you're achy from being pregnant? Doesn't that cause lots of new aches and pain? You've had enough tests run that if something were wrong, the doctors would have picked up on it by now. You say you've read horror stories about people going undiagnosed even after tests. The best thing you can do it stop reading things like that. Having HA makes each of us very susceptible to being triggered by stories like that. The truth is, modern medicine is pretty amazing. Very few people with access to medical treatment go undiagnosed these days. People are living a lot longer now thanks to that. Trust your doctors over some random possibly true but possibly not true story you read online.

27-09-17, 03:00
Hey, so if you check my other posts you will see that I have been having this intense fear of dvt, I'm 34 weeks pregnant and since I was 25/26 weeks along I started getting some twinges of pain in the inner part of my calf, it progressed to pain from inner calf down to ankle, back of the knee inner thigh groin, and a tight hamstring, the pain isn't always there, no swelling, redness, warmth or anything else that indicates dvt, I've had multiple doctors look at my leg and I've got 4 doppler ultrasounds done, all came normal, but no explanation to the pain, just that my belly might be pressing a nerve, I have really bad ha so this of course didn't reassure me much...however lately I've been doing better, still in pain but thinking a bit more rationally...the thing is, the place where I live has got a lot of nature, so I've always had allergic reactions to it (shortness of breath, headaches, mucus in throat, cough...) yesterday though I had really bad shortness of breath and some cough, today the shortness of breath feels much better but I have bad pain in my back and chest, and some cough aswell...my mother says that the pain is from the effort I was making to breathe...but I can't help thinking about a clot moving to my lungs, I'm freaking out so bad PLEASE HELP

27-09-17, 05:00
I'm not pregnant right now but I have both of these same issues!! I have the leg pain and it's been called sciatica and pirformis syndrome but most of the time it feels deep in my leg and like it couldn't possibly be related, but it is. It also goes around to my groin/thigh area. Seeing the chiropractor has helped immensely!

Also, I have the issue with the shortness of breath and was just dealing with that tonight because I have a fear of having a DVT in my arm right now. Then the shortness of breath happened. I don't cough but I get increase mucous etc. and I also get the back pain. I've had this many times before but of course this time was different because the clot I'm sure is in my arm has moved to my lungs. :lac:

I 100% understand your fears!!!!!!!! :hugs:

27-09-17, 13:36

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


01-10-17, 20:44
Hey there, so I'm still pregnant, 35 weeks but I've been having intense fear of dvt during this pregnancy, couldnt sleep, had to come with boyfriend to my parents house for a few months so that I wouldn't be alone cause I had very bad extreme panic attacks that scare everyone around me since they are pretty bad...all over this dvt fear that has been with me since I was 25-26 weeks pregnant...the thing is, now that my due date is coming I'm getting really really scared as I heard that risk for dvt is much more higher six weeks post partum...I don't think I will be able to deal with this, I'm scared already for the post partum, I truly believe I'm never going to survive, has anyone of you been through this?

04-10-17, 17:35
Hey, in my last posts I've expressed how deep my fear of dvt is, being checked 5 times for dvt in right leg I'm now finally realizing it's probably not that, the thing is, I'm 35 weeks pregnant, and really scared of post partum since I heard you are more prone to get it up to 6 weeks after birth so now I'm 95% sure I'm gonna get it and that it will go undiagnosed since nobody is going to take me seriously as ive been tested several times during pregnancy, I cry in fear, my anxiety as been really bad over that but I know that after birth is going to be a million times worse...advice anyone? Please?

04-10-17, 17:41
Hi, didn't want to read and run. Sounds like your really struggling right now. I remember when I was pregnant dvt always worried me too for some reason, but after having my child I didn't have time to even think about anything to do with myself, and you would honestly know if you had a blood clot, it's an unmistakable pain, or so I've heard.

Maybe speak to your midwife/gp regarding your concerns.

04-10-17, 18:30
Is your anxiety being treated?

You are fearing something which may or may not happen in the future.

Getting help to rationalise your thoughts would be a great start.

04-10-17, 19:04
Hi! As you know I had the same fears and I just made sure every hour that I was awake to get up and move around for a few minutes as thats a great thing to do to prevent dvts from happening! You got this mama!!!

04-10-17, 21:01
Hi! As you know I had the same fears and I just made sure every hour that I was awake to get up and move around for a few minutes as thats a great thing to do to prevent dvts from happening! You got this mama!!!

Yeah Im planning on doing that aswell! Just really scared as What concerns me are the first hours after labor, and with a c section you are at greater risk and have to be laying down for quite a while...how I wish I didn't have ha :weep: I just look at other moms who clearly don't have these concerns and they just look so happy and radiant and here I am scared to death always living in fear that something will happen!

06-10-17, 15:57
Hey, I'm really freaking out right now, my anxiety has been so much better these last couple of days, still there but better, I've had an intense fear of dvt for 2 months and two weeks over my right leg, I've had pain in my right calf, the thing is now, the pain in the right calf subsided a little but I've been having pain in my left calf for a week sort of, not quite in the same place even though it I still sometimes but more in the back, I lost a bit of muscle in my right leg because of the pain so I wasn't walking with it as much, so the left one is harder but I can't help but think that it's harder because of the dvt!!!! Am I being irracional?? I'm currently 35 weeks pregnant!

06-10-17, 16:10
Hey, I'm really freaking out right now, my anxiety has been so much better these last couple of days, still there but better, I've had an intense fear of dvt for 2 months and two weeks over my right leg,

2 days ago you were freaking out about the chance of a DVT after giving birth so your anxiety hasn't really been better.

In response to your question, yes you are being irrational.

I ask again are you seeking help to teach you how to rationalise these thoughts for yourself?

06-10-17, 16:37
2 days ago you were freaking out about the chance of a DVT after giving birth so your anxiety hasn't really been better.

In response to your question, yes you are being irrational.

I ask again are you seeking help to teach you how to rationalise these thoughts for yourself?

Hey Elen, i feel like it was better since I didn't have as many panic attacks and was starting to think a little more rationally...but maybe you're right, when I look back at it maybe it wasn't better I was just focused on the post partum situation...do you really think I'm being irrational? I mean the pain does feel a bit different from the pain I was experiencing in the other leg...
I would seek for help, but here in Portugal getting help from a therapist In public health care sucks, you only have appointments two in two weeks sometimes only once a month, so I'm waiting to get a better health care and be properly taken care of...

06-10-17, 18:18
You may not think you're anxious but.....

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Positive thoughts

08-10-17, 17:08
Hey guys, once again, coming here with dvt worries...I'm really upset this is happening and making me not enjoy this pregnancy, I'm only 20 yo and I feel frustrated cause I have no reasons to be this way at all, I'm healthy (despite smoking but stopped as soon as I knew I was pregnant and don't plan on going back ever) I was very active social happy person...my ha was gone pretty much, but then I got pregnant and since I was 25/26 weeks along I developed this pain in my right calf, I don't know why but my brain just switched on a button and right away I thought I was dying, I went to the Er multiple times (poor hubby and family, I feel really bad for them) I had 5 doppler ultrasounds done that ruled out dvt, the thing is, the pain in my right calf subsided so much almost not there just on certain movements but my left one is now hurting really bad, just almost as bad as the right one did, I can walk though and no other signs of dvt, I feel so stupid cause now I think I have dvt on my left leg, i feel like the fact that now my right leg hurts would help subside the fear since dvt in both legs it's rare but no, it didn't, I feel stupid but I also can't shake this terrible feeling that something awful is about to happen...do you guys think I have a reason to worry about this pain? Could this really be dvt? I'm now 36 weeks along...please help I've never been through this before and this as been the most scary time of my life, I feel miserable