View Full Version : Really unwell!!

08-10-17, 19:16
Hi I’m Laura.
So where do I start I’ve been feeling now for about 3 months unwell! The feeling you get when your coming down with something or if you have an infection ,the tiredness the achiness so on.
It’s been on and off maybe one day bad one day good but it’s affecting me so bad now in these three months I’ve also had problems with my knees and my joints with them being painful for no reason.
I do work in an office and I am sometimes in weird positions so that may cause the aches BUT why do I feel so unwell I have had bloods they were fine but have to been checked again in four weeks I’m so anxious all the time thinking something is seriously wrong with me.
Now I look back I have had a stressful three months with Work,family,life in general!
I have had private tests done for thyroid and adrenals and they have both come back not normal but nothing saying I have major issues!
The weird thing is when I wake up I’m fine! I am normal I can do normal stuff but as the days goes on I feel like I’m coming down with something I get so tired sometimes a headache,weak and just need my bed!
The past week the ache in my
Back,neck and shoulders have been so bad I can’t even cope I am seeing a chiropractor who says my posture and stress are causing this pain but as someone who suffers from HA I don’t believe him!
I’m also suffering with itchyness on my head ,feet and private parts which is adding to my list of things!
I just want to feel well again and enjoy my life!
Sorry for the essay but if anyone can reassure me it would mean the world to me!
Can this be caused by stress or anxiety?
Laura xx

08-10-17, 20:08
Normal bloods are a pretty good indication that nothing too serious is going on but as someone who also had a full blood panel recently (and all was fine) I know it doesn’t stop the worrying. I imagine if you’re anxious your adrenals might give weird readings as they’re probably overstimulated; I’m not a doctor thought but I am a microbiologist lol. Honestly on the days when my health anxiety is bad I feel just like you described.

09-10-17, 18:23
Yeah my white blood cells where a bit off the chart but nothing major hence why I have to go back to get them redone!
It’s so hard to believe anxiety can make you feel like this!
Thank you for your reply it helps xx