View Full Version : List of anxiety symptoms I've had

09-10-17, 04:19
Blurry vision( its more sudden,but when i blink it goes away)(or if I'm concentrating on something)
Eye floaters
Numbness in leg,face,arm,toe
Tingling in legs,arms,face, scalp
Eye pain
Dry eyes
Heaviness in leg
Ocular migraine
Black spots and visual lights
Growth in eye vein
Twitching in hands
Sudden thoughts of Sadness and doom
Pressure behind eyes
Shocks in skin
Light sensitively
Weight gain or loss
Stuffiness in ears/ringing
Arm/leg/scalp pain
Well that's it...... I can't believe anxiety can do this.
I just really want to be happy again.If anyone else has the same symptoms please tell me.

09-10-17, 11:37
I have also have/had a good portion of these.
Blurry vision
Noticing floaters more
Black spots and lights
Headaches - this ones really bad for me
Impending doom
Weight changes

Also include for me
Loss of appetite
Stomach cramps
Urgency to use the bathroom.
Tight chested
Jaw pain
Back/shoulder pain

Im sure there’s more, but my point is unfortunately anxiety can and will make you feel utterly awful at times but there is light at the end of the tunnel so to speak, I definitely don’t suffer nearly as much with these things any more and when they do pop up I am able to rationalise that it’s all just part of my anxiety and move on.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-10-17, 12:08

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

I Don't Get it!
09-10-17, 13:49
Yeah, pretty much everything Midnight-mouse said. One of the things that used to bother me the most was getting a headache and diarrhoea every time I had to leave the house!

Other symptoms I most hated:
Physical weakness
sudden feelings of irrational terror that came in waves
blurred sight
intrusive frightening thoughts

Don't want to sound like a smarty pants, but it doesn't surprise me at all that the list of Anxiety symptoms is so long and so varied. Your brain controls your whole body and it's in a state of worry and fear a lot of the time when you have anxiety. I wouldn't be surprised at any symptom...:scared15:

Thankfully, I'm in recovery now and feel pretty good most days. When I read my diary from a year ago, it's like a different world.

Best wishes to you, kimwolf - there's happiness to be had out there, you just have to find the right path for you.:flowers:

09-10-17, 14:54
Most here have had one or more of these SYMPTOMS. (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms)

Positive thoughts

11-10-17, 09:19
Mine include:
- Lack of coordination/balance
- Stiff/heavy legs
- Walking around with a drunk-feeling
- Ringing in ears or muffling in ears
- Shortness of breath
- Easily startled by mundane noises
- Double vision, blurry vision, or sensitivity to light
- Lack of taste/metallic taste in mouth
- Excessive yawning to catch breath/breathing deep to catch breath
- Heart palpations
- Hot/cold flashes
- Numbness in fingers
- Stomach issues
- Chest pains
- Jaw pain
- I've had stabbing headaches before
- Panic attacks in which I shake violently, & can't breathe
- A lot of crying
- Irritability
- Hypochondriac thoughts/constant worry
The list could probably go on some, but this is all I can think of for now. I'm currently experiencing the top few and think my anxiety has gotten to a point in which terrifying physical symptoms similar to that of cancer or a tumor are occurring. And I think it's one of those, which brings on more anxiety, etc.:shrug:

21-10-17, 22:24
My symptoms:

- Tension headaches
- Eye floaters
- Blue Field Entopic Phenomenon
- Sensitivity to light
- Afterimages / Light flashes
- Eyelid/other muscle twitches
- Eyes feel heavy/pressured
- Mentally tired but physically not
- Feelings of impending doom/loss of control
- Obsession with checking symptoms/hypochondria
- Increased urge to smoke/drink
- Weight gain

It's been 4 months of this, had my eyes checked everything's okay there. All started from a new job that's been extremely stressful, I slowly have seen improvement in some of the symptoms with time and changes in diet. I have not seen a primary about this, anxiety runs in both sides of the family (including both parents) so it was only a matter of time I paid my dues.

21-10-17, 22:48
Just my opinion but there have been many, many similar threads here. Sitting there listing your symptoms just keeps them in the forefront of your mind. I get that knowing you're not alone is cathartic but it also keeps you in the cycle.

Positive thoughts

I Don't Get it!
21-10-17, 23:25
ravenz, I can really relate to all your eye symptoms. I had perfect vision all my life until about 2010 and then my eyes suddenly deteriorated and became a real source of stress to me. Which in turn increased my existing (mild) Anxiety to a point where it became much more of a problem.

I still have bad eyes and can't read without getting a headache, but my Anxiety symptoms are very much improved. The only Anxious days I have now are when I have a migraine.

22-10-17, 20:16
ravenz, I can really relate to all your eye symptoms. I had perfect vision all my life until about 2010 and then my eyes suddenly deteriorated and became a real source of stress to me. Which in turn increased my existing (mild) Anxiety to a point where it became much more of a problem.

I still have bad eyes and can't read without getting a headache, but my Anxiety symptoms are very much improved. The only Anxious days I have now are when I have a migraine.

I'm sorry to hear that - it's truly terrible I hate it. I had PERFECT vision my whole life until now (I'm only 21). I can still see pretty well as far as reading and clarity goes, but the floaters and sparkles in the sky (BFEP) can definitely put a huge damper on my day. If I keep sunglasses on outside it tends to keep me from focusing on it too much.

I wish I could find a way to get rid of this. Best of luck to you as well, and anyone else suffering.

22-10-17, 21:15
I can relate to many of those but the ones that bug me the most is the sensation my throat is closing and I cant breathe. The constant awareness of my breathing.

23-10-17, 03:26
i git what you guys have.
but i also have these visual stuff that arent very common.
-wavy vision
-hazy vision
-double vision
-visual snow
-spots and lights in vision
-movement/wavy vision on pheripheral

but the strangest thing is
i once saw things like breathing, expanding, or a part of it is moving ir swirling. usually happens after computer usage.

im really scared. i dont know if its just anxiety, or an eye desease. When i search it up i end up in an schizophrenia forum which gives me chills, hopelessness and doom in life, i feel like i wont be able to live my life anymore. I dint get schizophrenia symptoms except for these stuff idk if its considered as "hallucination"

my biggest fear is having schizophrenia and im getting panic attacks everyday for the past 2 months.

pls help.