View Full Version : I feel so alone

09-10-17, 10:36
I have been trying to get over my many health worries and I have been told I am healthy and just suffering from stress and anxiety causing muscles aches and back pain etc, I feel like nobody close to me understands what I'm going though my girlfriend is getting annoyed my family are getting annoyed, i have never felt so alone why can't I just accept I am stressed hence why my back hurts why do I think I have some serious illness or fibromyalgia or something

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09-10-17, 11:38
The answer to your "why" questions is not a difficult one: you have anxiety. This is what it does. It's a very challenging disorder, sadly.

In terms of your loved ones, all I would do in your position is accept that they don't understand - after all, if they don't have anxiety, they can't - and just ask them to be there for you and to listen and be supportive. Show them your threads if you haven't already. They need to know that you're suffering from a genuine, diagnosable mental health condition.

09-10-17, 11:39
Your level of anxiety seems reduced but it's still there and will focus your attention on something being wrong. This is a process, Jonny - it will take time and hard work - and most of us here, including me, understand how lonely it can feel.

Have you suffered anxiety for most of your life or has there been a traumatic trigger for all this? I know you reached breaking point not long ago. Those close to us want us to return back to "normal" but there is usually a lack of patience and understanding - and they're not the ones suffering either. This is our personal battle.

09-10-17, 11:40
I've had it most of my life, they just see it as back pain which everybody gets but to me it's so much more

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09-10-17, 11:46
I've had it most of my life, they just see it as back pain which everybody gets but to me it's so much more

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It is a serious anxiety disorder which you have been getting treatment for. You must also accept that we are alone with this, despite having support. Support is all you can ask for. Unless the person has also experienced all this, they can't really empathise, can they?

09-10-17, 11:51
No I guess not, it's just frustrating because I just want to believe I am suffering from stress and tension and not some disease

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09-10-17, 11:58
No I guess not, it's just frustrating because I just want to believe I am suffering from stress and tension and not some disease

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But you almost sound flippant about it - "Just....stress and tension" - in comparison to some other "disease".

This IS a serious disease, albeit a mental health one. You've experienced how it can reach dangerous levels.

09-10-17, 12:00
Yea I guess you're right it's just because it's mental it's hard to believe it causes physical feelings

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09-10-17, 12:28
I don't think anxiety caused your back issues but it can certainly make the pain worse and create additional physical symptoms.

Your anxiety disorder was not caused by your back issues either, which is why it's so important to treat.

09-10-17, 12:30
But the docs said it's stress and anxiety related ?

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09-10-17, 12:33
You said there is inflammation and problem with spine due to your height etc. Anxiety will make pain and symptoms worse along with bad posture and sitting all day at a desk job.

09-10-17, 12:34
Yea slight inflammation but they said it's nothing to worry about and my posture isn't great but mainly down to anxiety and stress

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09-10-17, 12:40
My point is that had it not been for your anxiety disorder your back issues probably wouldn't have bothered you so much and you'd get on with life. But your anxiety has magnified and focused all your attention on physical symptoms and believing there is something far worse than just simple back problem/pain going on.

11-10-17, 07:26
I was also told my back issues were stress related. Until one day the pain was so vig I couldn't walk anymore. After years of struggle I finally got a referral for an MRI, and tur ed out that I have 2 herniated discs. Have you had proper diagnostics for your back?

11-10-17, 08:26
I was also told my back issues were stress related. Until one day the pain was so vig I couldn't walk anymore. After years of struggle I finally got a referral for an MRI, and tur ed out that I have 2 herniated discs. Have you had proper diagnostics for your back?

I'm sorry about your diagnosis but this sort of post really doesn't help jonny who has had a clear MRI and has no spinal abnormalities.

11-10-17, 08:27
Yea I've had MRI An came back essentially normal so they have said it's postural An stress

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11-10-17, 08:32
Yea I've had MRI An came back essentially normal so they have said it's postural An stress

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But you obviously don't believe this

11-10-17, 08:34
True I should do I know I should but that's health anxiety for you

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11-10-17, 08:39
But that is the classic excuse. You can't keep using that if you want to get above HA.

11-10-17, 08:42
I know I am having counselling to try An accept it

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11-10-17, 08:43
I don't think that I am doing you any favours replying any more on your threads as it is allowing the HA cycle to keep going.

You have had your diagnosis, one physical and one mental and it is now up to you to take action.

I am afraid that the ball is in your court now.

Good luck


11-10-17, 08:46
It's very good news that you have a clear MRI. My son wasn't so lucky. I hope the counselling helps you to address how your anxiety is affecting the quality of your life.

11-10-17, 08:59
Sorry to hear about your son

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11-10-17, 09:03
Ok. So you have a proof that this is purely a mental health issue. If this would be a physical issue you would seek help for it. Are you currently seeking help for your HA?

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11-10-17, 11:09
I mean there may be a slight physical problem with his back from what I can gather so nothing serious there. and is posture related. And Elen is right we are only causing the cycle for jonny to continue Jonny do you work at the moment? You need to put this to bed now, other wise you will still be posting about this years later Cheers

11-10-17, 13:11
I know I am having counselling to try An accept it

I agree with the others that this isn't helping you and in fact just feeding your dragon. Your therapist needs to know about the forum and you posting. It's vital to address in order to recover.

One more thing... take something for the pain (an OTC pain reliever will help) and start doing the exercises and stretches.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

11-10-17, 13:34
I hope your son is ok Pulisa xx

I don’t have any advice for the OP. I’ve given him great advice before. I’ve read the great advice that others here have given him. Not once have I seen any mention of how he has acted on any of that advice. So done.

11-10-17, 13:44
I’ve given him great advice before. .

Yes, we know, Cmrd Swajj, The Wisdom of Oz!

Now cut this rot out immediately :lac:

11-10-17, 14:06
I appreciate all your advice guys, I am exercising more and attending counselling once a week, it's just about accepting I am ok and suffering from anxiety stress and posture related issues I do really appreciate everyone's help so please don't think I don't

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11-10-17, 22:24
I hate when I read posts like yours, I and many people on this site will know exactly how you feel. I'm sure many, many of us have been in your position. It's so hard for people that don't have this to understand even a little bit but it's not their fault they're just lucky. Were all here for you. When your stressed your anxiety is so so much worst, have you tried mindfulness??? It's on you tube and you can get books. It's really good. I think I've thought I've had everything going and that's no joke. So many different things and hospital visits. Try and find something you enjoy doing and I know it's hard but try and focus on that(it works honest) I tell myself repeatedly that my symptom is anxiety I say it out loud I find for me that actually really helps even if I might sound like a lunatic. I hope you start to feel better. .

11-10-17, 22:45
I am in so much pain all over my body. My feet, legs, toes, butt, arms, shoulder, wrist, hands and fingers! I feel like I have head to toe arthritis. I'm 44. I have been googling stupidly and have come across not so nice things to say it nicely. Needless to say I have myself dying from a rare muscle disease. I'm alone too for my husband and family don't want to hear it. I often tell them you will all be sorry when I succumb to this disease. I'm suffering right now to tell myself this has to be age 44, handlinhg a 16 month old and wear and tear. It's a war I my mind believe me. But I so know what you mean.