View Full Version : Does anybody get random shooting pains?

09-10-17, 12:32
I've started to randomly get shooting pains in my neck. They will be at the back of my neck (base of skull), left and right side of neck and where my jaw meets my skull.

Starting to worry about lymphnodes.

I Don't Get it!
09-10-17, 13:04
Everybody gets random shooting pains at some time.

About 15 years ago I started to get an excruciating pain in my neck that lasted for a split second then went. The pain was so strong it took my breath away and left me sitting up with my mouth open with shock. It felt almost like a tiny electric impulse, but agonising.

They disappeared as suddenly as they'd started. I was in a very stressful job that I hated at the time, strangely they never came on at work. Always before or after work at home and they never came back at all after I left that job.

Your body is full of nerves, some of them are bound to fire off randomly now and then - especially when you're stressed. Like Windows - always busy doing something in the background and crashing once in a while. :doh:

09-10-17, 14:57
Your body is full of nerves, some of them are bound to fire off randomly now and then - especially when you're stressed.

Yep... My body is firing off nearly 24/7 due to side effects from treatment. Stress and fatigue aggravate it.

Positive thoughts