View Full Version : occasional strange sensation in back of head while breathing

09-10-17, 12:32
Hi all,

So to begin, this symptom for me first started no less than about 3 months ago maybe 4. It happened for like a week where I’d wake up and notice that when I would inhale and exhale my nose would burn but only in my left nostril BUT at the same time I get this odd fluttering sensation and the lower back left side of my head. Also I could wake up one day during this time and feel this but maybe the next day I wouldn’t feel it, but then a day later the feeling would be there. I kind of blew it off as maybe some sinus issue and forgot about it.

Fast forward to yesterday, I woke up and noticed it was back again and I tried searching the problem up but I can’t find any thread that has anything remotely similar to what I’m describing so I’m hoping maybe someone reading this has experienced something of the same nature and can weigh in. I’ve been stressed all night at the idea of it possibly being the start of MS and I’ve already made like 5 appointments with my GP for different fears in the past month and a half or so and now I have to make one for this too.

I should also mention this has happened to me before while playing ice hockey but not every single time I would play, maybe just once in a while. The feeling in the nose is that of cold dry air and a dry nose causing burning but what I’m really concerned about is the back of the head simultaneously feeling a similar sensation at the same time. The only benign cause I can think of is my bedroom air being dry/cold but it’s the back of the head feeling along with the nose burning that is causing me lots of anxiety right now.

I’d appreciate any insight please, thanks.