View Full Version : Brain fears - please help!

09-10-17, 15:56
Over the last few weeks, I've been suffering with a throbbing in my right temple. Some days I don't notice it so much, others (like today) I just want to go straight back to bed so it will stop. I wouldn't call it a pain but it's disruptive and stops me focusing on anything.

I went to the doctors and she gave me some nasal spray to see if it was sinus related but that doesn't appear to be doing much if anything. I also have a weird taste in my mouth that I can't describe and have waves of nausea. My neck feels kind of stiff and it crunches when I turn it sometimes.

I'm generally just terrified that it's a tumor or aneurysm or something and I know that the constant stressing isn't going to be helping. Does anyone know what it could be?

12-10-17, 16:56
Hi. Sorry to hear your anxiety getting to you. First if the dr gave you nasal spray that could be what your tasting. I suffer from allergies and sinus congestion. It gets like that for me sometimes. Or can just be tension. I sometimes take tension headache tablets and it goes away. Also could be change of seasons as well. I hope you feel better.