View Full Version : scared I have cancer- abdominal pain

09-10-17, 17:29
I started dating a new guy a few months ago. He is quite big and quite often when we had sex i'd bleed during. It has never happened to me before at all. It would just bleed during and stop right after, and if we started off very gently or used lubricant it wouldn't really happen as much. It scared me though. I'd put it down to him being big and going in too hard since it hasn't happened all the time or when we're more gentle at first but now i'm a bit worried it could be a sign of cervical cancer :(

For a few weeks in august/ September I had cramps in the period pain region (that felt a bit different) almost all the time until I had my period. Once I had my period they went away for a few weeks.
Now about two weeks after they went away I have them again. They're mild pains but are there most of the time, when they are there. For the last four days I've been gassy and I'm burping constantly and having some stomach pains too. I'm hoping that this could be something to do with how stressed out I am and not another proper symptom though :(

I've gotten myself really worked up about this, and have pretty much convinced myself I'm dying. So much so that I've booked a private ultrasound tomorrow and then I'm seeing my GP on Wednesday morning.
Time has never gone so slowly :(

I'm only 24 and i'm just so scared that they're going to tell me something awful. Time is going so slowly and i'm so terrified. I really want to be overreacting but I feel like it's bad. Has anyone had a similar experience that turned out to be ok? I'm so convinced I'm going to die and I have so much I've been looking forward to . I really hope i'm being ridiculous here.

I need a hug :( and some answers

09-10-17, 18:20
Aw I’m sorry you feel anxious I’m so the same I’m 27 but when I was your ages I had spotting and period cramps when I wasn’t even on my period!
This lasted a year or two and smears came back clear I’ve kind of got used to it now and I think it’s ovilation pain.
Anxiety is awful I’m so bad I always think the worst!
I’m sure everything will be fine it nearly always is with us worriers!
Hope everything goes well tomorrow at least your mind will be at rest!
Big hugs
Laura xxx

09-10-17, 19:54
thanks Laura. I'm trying so hard to be calm so that I can actually get some sleep tonight. I'm really hoping for a simple explanation :(
was your pain there throughout the month or just briefly?
glad you're all clear xxx

10-10-17, 19:25
So it turns out I may have been overreacting, I guess that's what happens when you google your symptoms! (Silly me)
The ultrasound was totally clear and he said it all looks normal. He mentioned that it could be something to do with things in the ovaries that expand during my cycle. Idk. The things that I was really worried about aren't the issue anyway. I have a normal drs appointment tomorrow so will see what they say, but at least it's not what I feared! It's probably a really small problem that I turned into a huge thing in my head. I'm a very relieved and happy person right now.

Hugs to anyone reading this who might be worrying too-and steer clear of googling symptoms! >.< xx

21-10-17, 23:50
So glad your all ok!! Yes mine was pain due to ovulation too! I had it for years and it would be on off in between periods,weirdly since I’ve had a scan and all clear I don’t notice it as much!

I agree stay off google coming on here is so much better!
Take care xx

22-10-17, 07:10
It's probably a really small problem that I turned into a huge thing in my head.

From what you said, it's essentially just a huge thing in your ______ :whistles:

Glad all is well!

Positive thoughts