View Full Version : Lymphoma Chat

09-10-17, 20:27
Hey Guys,

I'm new here and hoping someone can help me control my health anxiety.

10 weeks ago, I noticed a enlarged lymph-node in my neck - I thought nothing of it at the time because I'd had a cold a few weeks earlier and figured it was just that hanging around.

However, 10 weeks later this lump is still there in my neck. I can feel it easily without poking or prodding. It's a solid lump that does not move. About 5 times a day it will ache for a couple of minutes but other than that it isn't painful at all. It also changes size, sometimes it'll feel huge, other times it'll feel tiny.

I've been to my doctor about it and she's referred me for an ultrasound which is booked for Friday (10/10/17) - Her exact words were 'I've felt lymphoma before - I'm not worried about it and I don't want you to be but I know this will give you peace of mind.'
I know this reassurance should help but my anxiety won't let me forget about it.

Google tells me nothing except I that have lymphoma - I know I shouldn't Google things, but when I've read it, it's all I can think about.

If I'm perfectly honest, I'm only 25 (almost 26) and I still have so much left to do with my life - I'm not ready to die - but my mind tells me I'm going to.

Other than the lump and the aches, I have no other symptoms. Can anyone who's been through a similar thing help me? Offer a bit of reassurance?

Sorry for the long post but it's nice to finally have somewhere full of people who understand what I'm going through!

09-10-17, 22:05
I'm a survivor...

Cancer in an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

A medical professional has deemed this not serious and is giving you a test to prove it.

Positive thoughts

09-10-17, 23:18
Fish has a point, if it was cancer it would likely keep growing slowly or fast just depends, but 10 months is well long enough to tell if it's growing, it would have grown in half that time. like fish said cancer is an uncontrolled growth that doesnt stop once started (without treatment)

Now i know it's hard to take that information seriously, believe me i'm still poking my nodes every other day, and just like you my doctors aren't concerned.

the only thing you can do is put your trust in your doctors, they are the only ones who are qualified to make such decisions, i'm still working to trust my doctors words but i know i need to and have to.

if nothing else eases your mind you could see a specialist, they know more than anybody about these things.