View Full Version : Leaking 'milk' - raised prolactin? Worried about everything :(

10-10-17, 09:37
Hi guys

Me again... well it would appear my HA is back in full swing.

Bit of a strange one here and rather embarrassing, but one of my breasts leaks a white/watery fluid if I squeeze it. The other one does too, but not as much as the right one.I noticed it a few days ago then again last night... needless to say I have been squeezing and squeezing so I am sore!

Anyway, I posted on another forum (not an anxiety one) and everyone said they doubt it’s anything bad BUT to definitely get it checked. So now I am freaking out :doh: I am seeing my GP on 2nd November but that is AGES away and I don't know how I am going to get through the next few weeks... also I am so scared the GP will send me for tests! :shrug:

I am worried about two things... firstly the c-word as my Mom had it in her breast (she is ok now thank god!) secondly, and THIS I only knew from paying several visits to the dreaded Dr Google last night and this morning... I have read that leaking ‘milk’ can be a cause of prolactin increases in the blood and this can be caused by all sorts of stuff including LIVER disease. So now I am freaking out.Basically until recently I was hitting the bottle pretty hard about 3 or 4 nights a week (drinking a bottle of wine in one sitting) I have a bit of tenderness on my right side under my ribs too so I am worrying it is my liver!!!I don’t have the other symptoms but it is worrying me.

I have never had fluid leak from my breasts before and it is weird. It is only a tiny bit and I have to squeeze firmly to get it out (god, that sounds weird... sorry) and there is no blood.It just looks like milk.Worrying cause it comes out of one breast more than the other.I don’t have any lumps or anything like that and there is no blood.

I lost a baby in June at 9 weeks so I am wondering if it something to do with my hormones? Although saying that I have had 3 periods since so I'd imagine my hormones are back to normal.

PLEASE someone tell me I am worrying over nothing here? I am so annoyed my HA is back with a vengeance L roll on my next lot of CBT! :weep::weep::weep:

10-10-17, 13:18
I seriously have this same issue. I just noticed it after getting out of a hot bath. I noticed milky stuff. So ofcourse my ocd takes over and I squeeze and more pin sized amount comes out, of both breasts. I was a daily vodka drinker for 6-7 years, went into hospital for detox. No liver issues. You would have more symptoms. I called the nurse and she wasn't terribly concerned and said to mention it at my next doctors appointment. As long as there is no bloody or greenish discharge, breast lumps, pains, or changes it's usually just hormones. I'm 36 and super stressed out and anxiety ridden so I'm sure that plays on my hormone levels as well. Make sure you bring it up to your family doctor next time you see them. Good news is that it's actually fairly common, especially when we squeeze and poke at ourselves and if it is a hormone issue then they are very treatable and nothing to be distressed about.

10-10-17, 13:47
I seriously have this same issue. I just noticed it after getting out of a hot bath. I noticed milky stuff. So ofcourse my ocd takes over and I squeeze and more pin sized amount comes out, of both breasts. I was a daily vodka drinker for 6-7 years, went into hospital for detox. No liver issues. You would have more symptoms. I called the nurse and she wasn't terribly concerned and said to mention it at my next doctors appointment. As long as there is no bloody or greenish discharge, breast lumps, pains, or changes it's usually just hormones. I'm 36 and super stressed out and anxiety ridden so I'm sure that plays on my hormone levels as well. Make sure you bring it up to your family doctor next time you see them. Good news is that it's actually fairly common, especially when we squeeze and poke at ourselves and if it is a hormone issue then they are very treatable and nothing to be distressed about.

Thank you for replying. I am so sorry to hear you had such an issue with drinking, are you recovered now? I know how difficult it can be with drinking. I have never had treatment for it, but there have been times in my life I have leant on the bottle a little too hard.

The stuff that comes out is milky (it even smells milky, sorry tmi!) there is no lumps, and my boob is only sore cause I have been squeezing it so much. Trying to leave off it now.

I am gutted that my HA is back after being free of it for a year. I am so determined not to let it beat me though! I am having such a difficult time coming to terms with having a miscarriage in June, which is so much harder as everyone around me seems to be pregnant or has just had a baby.

We can do this!

10-10-17, 15:18
If its coming out of both breasts then its fine especially since you have to squeeze to get it out. Its usually only concerning when its coming out by itself without having to be squeezed out or bloody. Its good your going to the Dr. to get a peace of mind though. It'll help reassure you. Have you ever been pregnant/had a baby? If so, this can cause it too. I quit breastfeeding over 8 years ago and I can still squeeze something out of my right breast.

10-10-17, 19:41
Some SSRIs can raise prolactin levels and cause this, Snowflake?

11-10-17, 11:53
If its coming out of both breasts then its fine especially since you have to squeeze to get it out. Its usually only concerning when its coming out by itself without having to be squeezed out or bloody. Its good your going to the Dr. to get a peace of mind though. It'll help reassure you. Have you ever been pregnant/had a baby? If so, this can cause it too. I quit breastfeeding over 8 years ago and I can still squeeze something out of my right breast.

It is coming out of might right breast more, and more easily. I have to squeeze pretty hard though. I was pregnant earlier this year but sadly lost the baby at 9 weeks back in June. Do you think it could be to do with that? I am trying not to freak out and I have booked a GP appointment (not 'til 2nd November though!) but I keep squeezing and I think it is making it worse :(

---------- Post added at 11:53 ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 ----------

Some SSRIs can raise prolactin levels and cause this, Snowflake?

I came off Sertraline a few months ago. Have been on SSRIs since I was 15 on and off and I am 33 now and never experienced this before? who knows though... perhaps it could be to do with withdrawal?

11-10-17, 13:08
Stop squeezing! I know its hard, trust me I know. I did the same exact the thing. But your breast work on demand. So the more you squeeze the more its going to produce. Even though its more on the right than left, the fact that it happens with both means its completely ok and normal. It probably has to do with the pregnancy. Some women just produce fluid from the their breasts all the time. I have a friend who's never had any kids, been pregnant and she can do the same thing. Its good you are seeing your doctor, to help rest on your mind but I promise its ok.

02-11-17, 09:19
Stop squeezing! I know its hard, trust me I know. I did the same exact the thing. But your breast work on demand. So the more you squeeze the more its going to produce. Even though its more on the right than left, the fact that it happens with both means its completely ok and normal. It probably has to do with the pregnancy. Some women just produce fluid from the their breasts all the time. I have a friend who's never had any kids, been pregnant and she can do the same thing. Its good you are seeing your doctor, to help rest on your mind but I promise its ok.

This has really set my mind at rest :) thank you. I am seeing the dr about this today and I am quite nervous. I notice I have to squeeze pretty hard to get it out, and it is definitely milk coming out and the tiniest bit! no pus or blood. It really does come out easier from the right breast than the left, but I have probably been fiddling with the right breast more (my hubby thinks I am nuts!) I have thoroughly examined my breasts and armpits and can't find lumps, however I do have quite dense/lumpy breast tissue anyway.

I am going to tell my dr what has been going on and I am telling myself that the WORST they will do today is want to examine me and possibly refer me for blood tests or a scan at the breast clinic.

The BEST scenario is they put it down to hormones and send me on my way (which I am PRAYING happens! I hate tests and scans)