View Full Version : Brain tumour fears - please help!

10-10-17, 10:13
So here I am again, with yet another fear. This time it's brain cancer and I am so frightened. Please help if you can. I have been having headaches since August and I am not usually a headachey person. Also I worry that I might have slightly blurry vision sometimes (I am constantly testing this - and it seems to vary). I e been to the GP who knows all about my anxiety and says i do not have a brain tumour.... but how can she know? I am thinking of booking an MRI scan privately but I'm terrified too. I think this time my worst fears are actually coming true.
When I try to be sensible I try to tell myself the following:
My headaches are very mild, probably if I wasn't thinking about them I wouldn't notice them.
I started getting headaches AFTER I started worrying about a brain tumour.

BUT I am properly sooooo worried.

Please lend support if you can
Jojo xx

10-10-17, 11:33
Hi Jojo

Ive had the same worries so I know how you feel. Why not get your eyes checked out? Maybe your overdue? Think your mind is playing on your fears. Try and rationalise how you feel with what your thinking x

10-10-17, 12:30
Agreed - have you got your eyes checked?

10-10-17, 13:52
Thank you so much for replying- I did get my eyes check actually and they were fine, and no sign of increased intracranial pressure etc.
I do think I am making my own symptoms worse by monitoring them constantly but I don't know how to stop!
I'd say I feel headachey a lot of the time as opposed to actually having a headache.... I know that probably doesn't make sense, but if I close my eyes and relax all my muscles and try to pinpoint WHERE it's hurting it's not really there.... but then I get these twinges and they change location, and I keep wondering if my vision is strange.... but I can't pinpoint that either because I can see fine ..
I know I sound mad.... but I'm also very worried because people with health anxiety disorders can get ill too right?!?
Thank you so much again for replying- it helps more than you know!
Jojo xxx

10-10-17, 16:59
Hi jojo,

Ok you have had your eyes tested and all is fine. The optician can usually see signs of a brain tumour behind the eye and if they didn’t then that a very very good sign. I have had the same fears as you in the past....and still suffer from blurry vision despite having eyes checked and all being fine.

A brain tumour would give you other symptoms too, such as dizziness, nausea and vomiting, feeling off balance and very bad head aches. Which you do not have. Your “headache”sounds like it is from anxiety and tension causing your muscles to contract around your head, with all the worrying you are doing. Once you stop this worrying your symptoms will subside.

Do not google your symptoms.

Relax you are fine. Hope this helps :shrug:

10-10-17, 18:08
Thank you so much for replying 😊
Actually I do sometimes feel a little dizzy and nauseous but again that could be anxiety. I only ever seem to get one symptom at a time. When I am worrying about blurred vision the headache is totally gone and I am worrying about dizziness that is the only thing I have. In fact it was an episode of sort of dizziness followed by feelings of panic, back in July that started this whole thing. I was so worried about it and I thought maybe a brain tumour had caused it. Then I started worrying so much, I thought "I bet I get headaches next".....
And lo and behold!!!! And since the headaches started the dizziness has totally gone! I haven't had dizziness since August (though it happened quite frequently before that, when I was focusing on it!)

It's funny, because when I read other people's posts it is so obvious to me that they are not suffering from the thing they fear. And I so wish I could make them see it, so they won't feel scared any more, and yet they can't see it.... just as I can't see it!!!
Thank you for listening
Jojo x

11-10-17, 07:26
I realise what I am doing must surely be making things worse, but I am CONSTANTLY monitoring my head for pressure sOUensations/pain to "test" for the likelihood of a tumour. As soon as I wake in the morninglL I think "does my head hurt" (no), then I am hyper aware of any sensations as I go about my day.
I do not have a headache yet but already I can feel a slight tightening on the right hand side, like a pressure. And I am so worried about the day ahead and whether a proper headache will develop and it will be a true sign of a brain tumour.
I'm aware how all this sounds, but this is the way my mind is working!!
Please talk me down if you can
Jojo xx

11-10-17, 07:47
Even if you do get a headache, it doesn't mean it's down to a tumour. There are so many reasons why you could get a headache, things you wouldn't even think of. Headaches is even a symptom of IBS apparenty!

If you keep worrying the way you are I think you are going to give yourself a headache through stress.

I've had the brain tumour worry myself in the past and now I know that it sounds absolutely ridiculous.

If you truly did have a brain tumour, you wouldn't be thinking "is something wrong?" you'd be thinking "something is definitely wrong!" as you'd be having the worst headaches of your life!

The fact that you don't have any headaches at all is a great sign which you can really take as a positive.

You're thinking about your head too much. You need to take your mind off of it, and focus on other things. Distraction is going to be key for you.

The human brain is such a powerful tool, put it to better use than worrying about your head.

Keep yourself busy, live your life.

You got this :)

11-10-17, 09:09
Thank you so much for replying and talking sense! What were your brain tumour worries and why do you now know they were rediculous? Do mine sound rediculous?
In a way, it is a comfort if they do! And yet..... maybe I am just downplaying my very real symptoms (although, come to think of it, I do have a severe health anxiety disorder, so downplaying symptoms is not something I am known for!!)
Anyway, I am still so worried that tight feelings in head will turn into a headache and that I will panic, that I have taken paracetamol to preempt it. But then if I DO get a headache anyway it will be "unresponsive to medication": a sign of a tumour! Arrrrgh! Please make this stop!!
Thank you again for replying
Jojo x

23-11-17, 07:25
This morning i woke with what I would describe as a "ghost" of a headache . I couldn't really decide if it was there or not but it set me off worrying about brain tumours again.. I had this worry all summer and got daily headaches- by Jen my worry moved to bowel cancer an then ALS and the headaches disappeared.
Yesterday I was in such a state about ALS and now this. It probably seems from the outside beyond irrational and yet here I am: monitoring my head for sensations - seeing if coughing, or straining, induces a headache etc.
I'm sorry.

23-11-17, 15:26
Don't be sorry. Don't be.

You don't have a brain tumor, trust me.

I slept on my arm wrong and I thought I had one because it felt heavy and I'm still somewhat anxious about it.

Truth be told -- even in the off chance you DID have one (literally like less than 1 in a million), we're literally on the gateway to get something along the line of a legitimate cure. We're unbalanced on the gateway, yes, but the way we're going to fall face first into if we fall is the "cure" side.

Either way, you'll be fine.

09-09-18, 13:08
SO. Yesterday I blew my nose and it hurt my head. Just a flash of pain that went instantly. Then I noticed that the same happened if I cough or strain. This morning it doesn’t seem to be happening but naturally I fear I have a “cough headache” , which according to dr Google is rare. And sometimes caused by something sinister. My (poor long suffering) family tell me they often get this when they have a cold, and think nothing of it. Anyone else? Why does dr G say it is rare then?

My new found “brain tumour” seems to have cured my pancreatic cancer though. Small mercies.

09-09-18, 13:40
Pressure change. Not brain tumour.

09-09-18, 13:48
You had the brain tumour fears a year ago and they never came true though and this is no different.

09-09-18, 13:51

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


09-09-18, 17:45
SO. Yesterday I blew my nose and it hurt my head. Just a flash of pain that went instantly. Then I noticed that the same happened if I cough or strain. This morning it doesn’t seem to be happening but naturally I fear I have a “cough headache” , which according to dr Google is rare. And sometimes caused by something sinister. My (poor long suffering) family tell me they often get this when they have a cold, and think nothing of it. Anyone else? Why does dr G say it is rare then?

My new found “brain tumour” seems to have cured my pancreatic cancer though. Small mercies.

More importantly, why consult with Dr G at all?

And why admit it?

09-09-18, 18:11
More importantly, why consult with Dr G at all?

And why admit it?

Yes I should totally have lied! I did actually think about that. I thought I’d say I just remembered from a previous Dr G consultation when I had this symptom before (yes, I had it before and obviously it wasn’t a tumour then, but it might be now, right?!). But I’m a really rubbish lier. Even online.

But the good news is my panic cancer symptoms have abated :yesyes:

09-09-18, 19:32
Yes BUT...now you have a brain tumour (or think you do). Is this progress?

09-09-18, 19:56
Yes BUT...now you have a brain tumour (or think you do). Is this progress?

NO! I’m being facetious! :shades:

09-09-18, 20:49
I know!:D Although humour probably doesn't help. I'm not belittling your situation, jojo-it's a horrible rollercoaster but you can challenge it and do xx

09-09-18, 21:02
No i know. I make fun of myself to mask the fact that I actually believe it. Because I KNOW how absurd that looks. But, you know, it COULD be true.

But also I think it is quite healthy for me to at least acknowledge how ridiculous I must seem.

10-09-18, 08:36
Yes it could be true so you are not being ridiculous. You are frightened and you have HA. What would make you feel better? A normal brain scan?

10-09-18, 09:50
Yes it could be true so you are not being ridiculous. You are frightened and you have HA. What would make you feel better? A normal brain scan?

For 5 minutes, yes, then the Panic Cancer symptoms would return! I shall do what my therapist advises, which is wait, and not act on the symptoms (at least for a period of time).


10-09-18, 13:07
You've had brain tumour fears for a year now, on and off (alternating with panic cancer). I know, I know..This time it's different and this time it could be the Real Thing...

This is HA talk and your therapist is right by telling you to sit tight. Ah the glorious "period of time" which means that you are already thinking ahead to when you will be asking for that scan...?

Your therapist sounds good and has got your HA sussed. Trust in him/her not Dr G? This is therapy just for you not for the online community. Carry on with your life despite your symptoms and try not to give them too much attention? Apathy is a great antidote for anxiety.

07-12-18, 10:16
It’s a hat trick! I also am getting odd, short lived pains at the back of my had on one side. Whenever they happen I feel horrified, certain it is a brain tumour! Crickey - I REALLY need to CHILL OUT!!!

07-12-18, 10:18
You do. Just because a brain tumour is something scary, it doesn't mean you have one. I've known a few people with them and none of them were ever diagnosed via a headache.

07-12-18, 10:46
You do. Just because a brain tumour is something scary, it doesn't mean you have one. I've known a few people with them and none of them were ever diagnosed via a headache.

Thank you thank you! :hugs: Now.... breeeeaaaatthh!

13-01-19, 10:40
So..... back to this one again. Just want to log it on here... for my own record really. I don’t expect any sympathy for my endless worries.

Last night I woke from a horrible dream (about having to make a speech I hadn’t planned!!) and as I lay awake I realised I had a (mild) headache. Because it had come on while I was sleeping I immediately thought of brain tumours. Does this sound silly?

I have been thinking and worrying about brain tumours more anyway in the last few days, and feeling a bit headachey and “off”. It’s an old favourite of my HA brain I know...
Thank you for reading lovely people.

13-01-19, 11:00
Not all morning headaches are brain tumours; I tend to wake up with tension headaches or sometimes even migraines if I've been very stressed or overdone the caffeine.

Don't beat yourself up over this? I've known a few people with brain tumours, though, and from what I can tell, headaches are far less of an indicator than seizures.

13-01-19, 11:32
Thank you so much for the reply Blueiris. I particularly worry about brain tumours because I think of myself as someone who doesn’t get headaches. But looking at the history of my own thread I’m not sure that is true!!
Xxx hope you are doing a bit better today? Xxx

13-01-19, 11:42
I am, yes - would feel less edgy if my period would show up rather than just a bit of morning spotting, but this is pretty normal for me and I suspect it's just work anxiety getting the better of me.

I think for a lot of people, headaches are a part of life - it doesn't take much for me to get one and sometimes it sticks around for days. If it's a bad migraine and it's not working hours I'll sometimes sneak to bed, but mostly I just drink water and get on with it.

13-01-19, 13:22
Sometimes headaches can come from the neck when the muscles are in spasm or just tight..for whatever (benign) reason.

I always quite enjoy pressing on the trigger points in my neck and feeling the pain shoot into my head and then subsiding..

You are fine, Jojo although I know your brain is searching around for symptoms to analyse. We are here to help you xx

13-01-19, 15:05
Sometimes headaches can come from the neck when the muscles are in spasm or just tight..for whatever (benign) reason.

I always quite enjoy pressing on the trigger points in my neck and feeling the pain shoot into my head and then subsiding..

You are fine, Jojo although I know your brain is searching around for symptoms to analyse. We are here to help you xx

I am beyond grateful for the help you give. Really. You wonderful people have talked sense into me and offered support time and time again. You will never know how very much I appreciate it. Xxx

---------- Post added at 15:05 ---------- Previous post was at 15:04 ----------

I am, yes - would feel less edgy if my period would show up rather than just a bit of morning spotting, but this is pretty normal for me and I suspect it's just work anxiety getting the better of me.

I think for a lot of people, headaches are a part of life - it doesn't take much for me to get one and sometimes it sticks around for days. If it's a bad migraine and it's not working hours I'll sometimes sneak to bed, but mostly I just drink water and get on with it.

Like you say, it’s normal for you..... and also, for us post 40, normal is sometimes a bit all over the place!!!

13-01-19, 17:44
Wait until you reach 60:D.......And you will! xx

13-01-19, 17:52
Wait until you reach 60:D.......And you will! xx

YOU wait till you reach 102 (like my granny)!!

And - oddly (or maybe not?) - she is free from anxiety

---------- Post added at 17:52 ---------- Previous post was at 17:51 ----------

(Although.... she was anxious in her younger years. I do wonder if it’s the having dependants thing...)

13-01-19, 19:56
I'm sure it is for you. Were you anxious before having your children?

13-01-19, 20:15
I'm sure it is for you. Were you anxious before having your children?

Not in the same way. I was prone to it, (as is my daughter, sadly), but I wasn’t consumed by it like I am post children. What about you?

13-01-19, 20:33
I have been anxious since I was about 5 and started at a very strict primary school. We had to eat absolutely everything on our plates and stand and chew gristle in front of the class if we couldn't...We also had to eat in silence. The shock of going to a secondary school canteen and being allowed to talk was immense.

Both my children are complex but I didn't get hospitalised until my daughter was 4. I tend to think that they would be better off without me now and as I get older I realise it's going to be tough going with all the much publicised age-related health hazards.

13-01-19, 20:43
I have been anxious since I was about 5 and started at a very strict primary school. We had to eat absolutely everything on our plates and stand and chew gristle in front of the class if we couldn't...We also had to eat in silence. The shock of going to a secondary school canteen and being allowed to talk was immense.

Both my children are complex but I didn't get hospitalised until my daughter was 4. I tend to think that they would be better off without me now and as I get older I realise it's going to be tough going with all the much publicised age-related health hazards.

That is so AWFUL. Did your parents know that was happening to you at school?
It makes me shudder thinking of you there. I suspect you are very very wrong about your children would be better off without you. Does part of you want that to be true?

13-01-19, 20:51
I'd like to think that it would be true.

Yes my parents knew about the regime at school but in those days results were what mattered and we all got into grammar school at 11 so that was paramount. That experience has had such an impact on my life but I don't think anyone else has suffered from the "legacy" and I do keep in touch with a few of my old school friends.

13-01-19, 21:04
I'd like to think that it would be true.

Yes my parents knew about the regime at school but in those days results were what mattered and we all got into grammar school at 11 so that was paramount. That experience has had such an impact on my life but I don't think anyone else has suffered from the "legacy" and I do keep in touch with a few of my old school friends.

I’m so sorry you went through that Pulisa. I wonder how your parents felt about it later in life?

13-01-19, 21:09
They brushed it off. They didn't realise how it affected me and wouldn't have understood anyway. Things were very different then. I don't blame them. They wanted me to do well academically which I did...but at a lifelong price.

13-01-19, 21:27
They brushed it off. They didn't realise how it affected me and wouldn't have understood anyway. Things were very different then. I don't blame them. They wanted me to do well academically which I did...but at a lifelong price.

Very sorry to hear that, Cmrd P. But you made a success of yourself and an exemplary mum to your kids :D

14-01-19, 06:34
Very sorry to hear that, Cmrd P. But you made a success of yourself and an exemplary mum to your kids :D

I couldn’t agree more. And you have managed to maintain extraordinary amounts of bravery and compassion. I’m sure you don’t, but you should feel very proud

14-01-19, 06:41
Joining in with the concensus - you're a wonderful person, Pulisa, and living proof of the fact that adversity doesn't always have to destroy a person.

14-01-19, 08:19
Thank you all so much for your kindness but I haven't really had to contend with all that much compared to what many others go through. I hope my life experiences have made me more empathetic to others who are truly suffering mentally but to be honest I should be able to help people because I'm supporting my daughter with complex issues every day so have negotiated many minefields when the professionals have thrown in the towel!:D

Anyway, this is Jojo's thread so how are you coping today?


14-01-19, 08:36
Lots of love to you Pulisa [emoji3590]

Jojo how are you?
I sometimes wake in the night with a headache. Mine are often hormonal or stress related x

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14-01-19, 09:56
Thank you all so much for your kindness but I haven't really had to contend with all that much compared to what many others go through. I hope my life experiences have made me more empathetic to others who are truly suffering mentally but to be honest I should be able to help people because I'm supporting my daughter with complex issues every day so have negotiated many minefields when the professionals have thrown in the towel!:D

Anyway, this is Jojo's thread so how are you coping today?


I couldn’t be happier to share my thread (unless you want to hear about me hopping up stairs to check on leg weakness? :roflmao:)

---------- Post added at 09:56 ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 ----------

Lots of love to you Pulisa [emoji3590]

Jojo how are you?
I sometimes wake in the night with a headache. Mine are often hormonal or stress related x

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Didn’t wake with a headache last night so a bit happier about it today. How are you doing?

14-01-19, 14:01
I couldn’t be happier to share my thread (unless you want to hear about me hopping up stairs to check on leg weakness? :roflmao:)

---------- Post added at 09:56 ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 ----------

Didn’t wake with a headache last night so a bit happier about it today. How are you doing?

That’s good!

I’m ok. Still no news from gynaecologist- I should probably call them.
At home today with my daughter who has tonsillitis again. She is pretty fine though, so I’m mostly trying to tidy up!

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14-01-19, 14:11
That’s good!

I’m ok. Still no news from gynaecologist- I should probably call them.
At home today with my daughter who has tonsillitis again. She is pretty fine though, so I’m mostly trying to tidy up!

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Well I’m pretty sure no news is good news in this case.
Your poor little person. But I’m sure she is loving having a mummy day!!

14-01-19, 16:31
Well I’m pretty sure no news is good news in this case.

Your poor little person. But I’m sure she is loving having a mummy day!!

She’s ok until the fever comes back really. Hope your little person is good x

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14-01-19, 16:46
Hope it clears up for her soon, Scass. Do they give her antibiotics or is it something which will clear on its own?

No news is good news..xx

14-01-19, 16:51
Hope it clears up for her soon, Scass. Do they give her antibiotics or is it something which will clear on its own?

No news is good news..xx

She has antibiotics to take just in case it doesn’t get better by itself. This was the same as just before Christmas & she got over it quickly without antibiotics, but now it’s back 3 weeks later I wonder if it really went. Will see how she is overnight & I The morning I suppose.

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