View Full Version : Mouth tingle sensation and ulcer on tongue?

14-06-07, 08:05
Hello all,

My anxiety is all about the mouth of late and last Saturday, I woke-up to a tingle sensation around the mouth and especially the tongue.

I have to admit that I知 focusing on the mouth, which I guess does not help and especially the tongue again as I have a little white thing appeared, which people have told me could be an ulcer and could last for several weeks.

As we all know, when we have new symptoms like I知 experiencing, our minds run wild, especially with me as I知 looking around the mouth with my tongue and finding all sorts of things, which I was nor aware of.

What I知 after is anybody who has had an ulcer on their tongue and can it take more than two weeks to go as mine has been here for 4 days or has anybody experienced this tingle sensation in the mouth cause by anxiety?


14-06-07, 08:20
Hello Tony,

About 3 years ago I had a white ulcer on my tongue but mine looked more like a cauliflower and googling confirmed to me that it was pre cancerous (hence I don't google anymore). I was sent to see a specialist who told me it had to be removed by laser as it had been there 3 months but he did say it wasn't anything nasty and he'd removed hundreds similar to mine with laser. I know what you mean when you say your looking around your mouth for things I too did the same for a long time after mine was lasered off because I convinced myself it was going to grow back but thank god it didn't. I get alot of tingling on my tongue also but the toongue is the most sensitive part of the body and is full of little nerves and muscles and with us being sensitive beings about our health is it any wonder it tingles. Please try not to worry as I'm sure it's just a little ulcer which will disappear as soon as you forget about it. Hope this helps a wee bit. xxx

14-06-07, 10:51
I'm not sure if it is me but I have a different taste in the mouth today as well and it's starting to get the better of me.


15-06-07, 12:16
I have been focusing on my mouth for about 6 months now. In December last year I noticed my tongue had a really white / yellowy coating on it. It came from nowhere. I still get it now but using a tongue scraper in the morning and at night seems to help a bit. The my tongue looks like it has teeth marks down the sides which is also still there. My main worry was when I started to get white stuff that looked like plaque growing down the sides of my tongue which I cant seem to get rid of no matter what I do. Obviously googling said It was OHL which was only seen in people with HIV which sent my mind into orbit. but then it went away. I built up the confidence to go to the dentist for a check up but a week before it cleared up completely. I was over the moon finally it had left. Went to dentist anyway and nothing wrong with my mouth or teeth. Now it's a week after my apointment and it has come back. WTF ? I had really lifted my spirits and now I feel like I'm back to square one..

20-06-07, 09:54
Can anxiety or focusing on the mouth cause a horrid taste sensation?