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View Full Version : How long can a stye last for in your eye?

10-10-17, 13:06
I have what I think is a stye in my eye for a few months now. I showed it to the doctor a few months ago and she just said to leave it alone.
I didn't think I would still have it now. Can they last that long?
Getting a bit worried about it but I won't turn to google!!

10-10-17, 16:51

Yes if you have showed it to a doctor then I would not worry about it......normally it is a bacterial issue (abit like bacterial conjunctivitis) but happens on your eyelid. Nothing serious and will stay until bacteria have been killed. Did the doctor give you any drops or ointment for it? If not you can use brolene eye drops or chloramphenicol drops or ointment.

Hope this helps :)

10-10-17, 17:56
My son had one about a year ago that lasted a really long time, a couple of months at least. I eventually had to pop it to get it to go away.

10-10-17, 18:29
Have you been putting hot compresses on it?

16-10-17, 12:50
You may have something called a chalazion. It’s a blocked and inflamed tear duct. I had a large one on my lower eyelid when I was 25. I ultimately had it removed (out patient) and to keep it from returning by washing my eyelids 2x3 per week with no tears baby shampoo.

16-10-17, 13:35
I had one as a child and I remember it hung around for a while. Hot ( not too hot) compresses applied daily seemed to do the trick eventually.

16-10-17, 13:44
I had a few last several months that I had drained in the office.