View Full Version : Can anyone relate?

14-06-07, 09:04

I recently had a health scare which set off my anxiety again. I have been pretty bad with it, but over the last week the anxiety has dampened down; I've stopped being sick, my appetite has returned and sleep is getting better. SO why do I still feel on edge? It's weird cause I can't really explain it. I am very aware of my thoughts and terribly worried about behaving oddly or going mad! I seem to be aware of every thought or action and just know that I am not 'right' yet, not up to doing a lot of things I would normally do e.g clothes shopping! I have gone back on Citalopram (just over two weeks now) and have been signed off work (hate that). I suppose I just want to know if anyone can relate to this? Sorry if it's vague or doesn't make sense!

Sarah x

14-06-07, 12:47
Hi Sarah,

I get this sometimes after I've had a bad period of anxiety and more so at the moment if I'm anxious about something but I'm just managing to control the anxiety and negative thoughts.

It's weird because I'm still eating okay, I don't feel as anxious as I can do and I'm keeping stuff at bay but i'm still on edge, it's like I expect it to strike at any moment and i have to be on guard to catch it (does that make sense?)

I know I don't feel 'right' either but I think of it as me controlling the worse part of my anxiety and I try to distract myself, if i feel the dropping in my chest or I start to have negative thoughts etc I take some Rescue Remedy and it just goes back to been on edge again. I sometimes find that after a good nights sleep, after something I've really distracted myself with it goes, more than likely it comes back in a few days but at the moment I think this is a little better than the other symptons I get when my anxiety is really bad.

Hope this helps a little. :)

14-06-07, 13:50
I think anxiety disorders are like any other illness - symptoms vary. It's like if you catch a cold, over two weeks you can have a stuffed up nose for a few days, sore throat but feeling a little better and then it hits you with everything all at once, for example. I always try and just take each day and its symptoms as they come.

14-06-07, 13:55
Hi there...

I had a spell of bad health from just before Christmas until March. Its completely and totally knocked me for six! Made my anxiety/panic a million times worse :(
