View Full Version : How is this all anxiety?

10-10-17, 22:25
I'm still struggling with fear of rabies. I know it's ridiculous. I hate that I can't shake it. I posted about it before for some hope/advice... But basically, over a month ago, I was in an area where I bats were present. I was at a football game for my school at night-- I'm in the color guard and we perform at half time. The bats were flying around above us. I don't remember them coming anywhere near me, nor did I feel anything. But when I got home about two hours later, I saw two marks on my hand that looked like a bat bite. Ever since then it's been hell.

I've faced so many symptoms-- it's something new each weak. First it was chronic headache that lasted over two weeks. Then muscle twitching on my left arm (the marks were on my left hand) that lasted a little over a weak. Then, pain in my left arm that I'm still experiencing. I thought it went away, but it's actually been getting worse recently. It comes and goes, but is like a pinching sensation. Sometimes it hurts pretty bad... but it's never constant. I also feel this pain in my left shoulder, left forearm, and recently in my right arm, too. I'm so terrified.

Not to mention, I've had bladder dribble spots since Tuesday of last week. I went to the emergency room last Tuesday because I was so terrified that I had developed incontinence and arm pain. They tested my urine for a UTI which was negative. The doctor told me the same thing the other doctors I've seen told me... it's not logical to believe I was bitten by a bat without knowing it, especially since I was with a group of people.

I saw a new primary care doctor yesterday (I recently moved and haven't found the need to have one) and she said the same things. She also told me that if I had rabies I wouldn't just be feeling arm pain. She tested my reflexes and things and said that I was good with that. I'm waiting on blood results. I'm just scared because the pain isn't going away... in fact, it's getting worse.

Can anyone relate to what I'm feeling? I feel like these symptoms can't just be from anxiety...

10-10-17, 22:39
It’s good that you’ve gotten tested. Hopefully, that will put your fears to rest when the results come back.

Anxiety is a monster that knows exactly which buttons to push. If you are worried about your heart, guess what it does...it give you heart symptoms. If you’re worried about an eye condition, it gives you symptoms of that condition.

It’s the same with rabies. Have you googled it? If not, please don’t! But, if you have, do you think you’re getting the symptoms you found through Dr. Google?

It sounds like your doctors are pretty convinced that you’re fine. I know it’s scary, but you’ll just have to wait for the results.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes.

By the way, I literally had a bat land on my pillow while I was sleeping. It totally freaked me out, but he/she was just as scared and got away from me as soon as possible. I don’t think a bat would intentionally fly down toward spinning flags.