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View Full Version : Awaiting colonoscopy, cancer fear, lymphnodes.. the epitome of health anxiety

10-10-17, 22:26
Hi everyone,

Long post .. the first paragraph is a bit about me (boring) and how I came to be here so totally skip-able ;)

I have "used" this forum for years now as an alternative to doctor google when I am worried about various symptoms and this that and the other. I find that I can usually find something to reassure me and then carry on my merry way. I've never posted on here before though although I have had health anxiety from about age 7 (now 26) and had counselling and all sorts. Can go a year at a time feeling relatively calm and rational and then several years with one problem after the next which as you all know is utterly debilitating to the point where a part of me doesn't even want to "be here" if you catch my drift.

Anyway, 10 weeks ago I had a longed for miracle baby girl and my health anxiety had absolutely spiralled out of control for us both.. I won't go into my worries surrounding her as we are due to see a paediatrician soon anyway.

Regarding myself .. I visited my GP this week due to some symptoms that I thought were haemorrhoids. She had a "look" (mortifying) and confirmed haemorrhoids but also found a patch of inflammation which I am waiting to have investigated by a colonoscopy .. she thought it could be ulcerative colitis but me being me is absolutely obsessed with the thought that this could be cancer although she didn't say anything to suggest this. To make matters worse, I have a large, fixed lymph node in my neck which had been there for about 3 years. I had it scanned (ultrasound) 2 years ago and never heard anything back so assumed it was ok and made a conscious effort to keep it out of my mind. However with this issue of the inflammation, I am now thinking what if something regarding the lymph node was missed and I have metastatic cancer in my rectum / bowel and lymphnodes, and god knows where else ??????

I don't even know what I'm asking really just need to write it all down for some kind of clarity I suppose.. the thought of ny being around for my daughter is destroying me. I am so consumed by this thought that I have widespread undiagnosed cancer that it is affecting my ability to function in every day life and is ruining my relationship.

11-10-17, 01:38
I just went through what you are going through and it isn’t that bad and I thought for sure I had something wrong and it was clear. How old are you?

Keep in mind that most rectal bleeding is not cancer

11-10-17, 06:50
I just went through what you are going through and it isn’t that bad and I thought for sure I had something wrong and it was clear. How old are you?

Keep in mind that most rectal bleeding is not cancer

I'm 26 :)

11-10-17, 09:56
Oh goodness poor poor you! I totally understand your heightened anxiety at the moment. It is impossible to be rational when you have a new baby and fear leaving them. My health anxiety really began in earnest after I became a mother.
But you do not have bowel cancer.
The doctor saw a patch of inflammation. Inflammation is not cancer. It probably isn't colitis either, but that is what the doctor wants to rule out. Colitis - not cancer.
Perhaps you should mention your cancer worries to the doctor and she will reassure you.
As for your lymphnode, that is not connected to your bowel problem. You've had it checked and it is fine. You won't be able to stop worrying, of course, but you ARE fine.

11-10-17, 12:55
Oh goodness poor poor you! I totally understand your heightened anxiety at the moment. It is impossible to be rational when you have a new baby and fear leaving them. My health anxiety really began in earnest after I became a mother.
But you do not have bowel cancer.
The doctor saw a patch of inflammation. Inflammation is not cancer. It probably isn't colitis either, but that is what the doctor wants to rule out. Colitis - not cancer.
Perhaps you should mention your cancer worries to the doctor and she will reassure you.
As for your lymphnode, that is not connected to your bowel problem. You've had it checked and it is fine. You won't be able to stop worrying, of course, but you ARE fine.

Thank you jojo exactly what I needed to hear ! And especially since you understand the way that health anxiety can heighten when you have had a baby .. I just love her ssoooooooo much !!!!

11-10-17, 15:04
I know! And it is natural for a love that intense to be tinged with fear. It is normal, but hard nonetheless!

11-10-17, 15:51
I'm 26 :)

26 is a very young age to have colon cancer.

There are so many other probable non life threatening causes for this.

Trust me, I went through this too, and everything came out all clear, and it will for you too.:hugs:

11-10-17, 20:22
Could the inflammation be anything to do with having your little girl? It was only 10 weeks ago if I read your first post right :) After 7 weeks after having my little man I was still very sore 'down there' and you'd be surprised how closely connected everything is.. just something to think about, rather than it being what you fear :D Inflammation as others have said is not a sign of cancer at all... I'm sure you're gonna be fine.. it's so natural to suffer more anxiety after having a little one too! :hugs:

12-10-17, 12:49
Could the inflammation be anything to do with having your little girl? It was only 10 weeks ago if I read your first post right :) After 7 weeks after having my little man I was still very sore 'down there' and you'd be surprised how closely connected everything is.. just something to think about, rather than it being what you fear :D Inflammation as others have said is not a sign of cancer at all... I'm sure you're gonna be fine.. it's so natural to suffer more anxiety after having a little one too! :hugs:

Hmm possibly !! It's something to hold onto until I have the colonoscopy!! 😊

13-10-17, 20:51
26 is a very young age to have colon cancer.

There are so many other probable non life threatening causes for this.

Trust me, I went through this too, and everything came out all clear, and it will for you too.:hugs:

I'm pleased everything was clear for you!! What were your symptoms ? Did they find any cause for them at all?