View Full Version : I can feel it coming back again

14-06-07, 09:39

I was put on Doselupin 75mg which I've been on for about 7 weeks. They've helped a lot with controlling my anxiety. The psychiatrist said to increase by 25mg a week if necessary up to 150mg.

I feel that the anxiety is creeping back in again but manifesting itself in different ways to before. I'm feeling like everything is dirty now. The feel of carpets on my feet makes me cringe because they feel slimy and dirty. I just feel unclean.

This is anxiety making me feel like this isn't it?

I've upped the meds to 100mg now to try and control it again. But what happens if I go up to 150mg and it still isn't under control. I don't want to be taking meds for the rest of my life but I'm beginning to feel that this will never go away. Does it ever go away?

14-06-07, 13:57
Hi Scatty Cat, it sounds like you're having a pretty bad patch. I know what you mean about things feeling a certain way, I get lots of sensory distortions with my anxiety too. As for getting it under control, although I think many of us are stuck with our conditions for life that doesn't mean we won't get it under control. I've had this condition all my life so far, but there have been years where I've been pretty good and had very few trying times and others where it's been non-stop hell. The only way to deal with it is to accept that there will be highs and lows, and just concentrate on the highs to come and surviving each day one day at a time. Take baby steps and I'm sure you'll make it back!

15-06-07, 23:49
I can only agree with what Magpie says, I've suffered from anxiety all my life too, with really bad patches every now and again. I've just come out of a REALLY bad patch, and am now feeling almost normal, so yes it does go away, hang in there Scatty cat and you'll feel better soon.