View Full Version : Struggling tonight

10-10-17, 23:19
Hi everyone

Well I should be fast asleep now but I'm sitting up in bed with the shakes...

I've had ear problems for a few weeks song wth sinus pressure so finally went to the doctors today and I've got fluid behind my ear drum, a build up of wax in both ears (currently can't hear a great deal) and something going on with my sinuses. I was prescribed ear drops and nasal spray.

Regarding my anxiety I've actually been ok this week Or so I though

Was watching a to show in bed, but I must have fallen asleep as I woke up at the end and get confussed but tried to fall back asleep but I'm not sure if I did it felt like my head was being shaken slightly and ehen I opened my eyes I just felt really weird like I knew where I was but I wasn't sure what was happening. My ears were making a strange noise and then my heart was beating a little fast and got all warm, I thought a panic attack was about to happen but my whole body just started shaking like my arms and legs and I just couldn't stop it. It scared me and though something was happening.

I'm now wide awake and feeling very on edge over something that I don't know what it was that happened. Even though I know I must have fallen asleep I felt like I was still awake.

Has anything similar happened to anyone else ???

I want to go to sleep but I feel to scared too

11-10-17, 01:32
Maybe anxiety or you were asleep and having a dream? Try taking deep breathes and have a drink of water. Breathing exercises will help calm you down. I cannot remember the ratio but it is something like breathe in for 5 seconds hold it for 7 and breathe out on 5 seconds or something like that. Do 3-5 sets of them and you should feel calmer. You are ok

11-10-17, 01:45
If I'm having an animated dream I tend to wake like this. The way I think about it is to remember how you feel from waking from a nightmare - chest pounding, sweating, confusion, etc and it's because you've just been thrashing around in bed and finally woken up.

The trouble is that because it mimics anxiety/panic, we feel that and worry. It tends to help to get up & moving for a minute to shake it off but sometimes they stick too because of anxiety and may take a bit longer.

Breathing control does help too as you tend to be breathing a bit harder...as the above "smeghead" points out :biggrin: (are you a fan, Dave? Seen you have Lister as your avi, I grew up on them)

11-10-17, 02:02
I sure do love the show Terry. I’ve been a fan since season 1. Sadly we dot get to see the new series that are coming out yet here in Canada

11-10-17, 02:13
That sure sounds like things I have experienced waking out of bad dreams. Anxiety makes it worse; sometimes you're not even sure you've fallen asleep or not, or been dreaming or not.

I agree with the breathing advice. That also helps me with anxiety. Calms the mind and the rest of the body with it: focus on the breath, on the sensation of breathing.

Best wishes -- Nikolai

11-10-17, 02:27
I sure do love the show Terry. I’ve been a fan since season 1. Sadly we dot get to see the new series that are coming out yet here in Canada

Yeah, they are advertising the new series on channel Dave at the moment. Is there a way to watch it over the internet? I thought I saw some people discussing using certain online services to access overseas TV channels (could be wrong though).

I started on series 2 after my mate saw season 1 and loved it. I was at school back then and it was always talked about the next day on the yard. I've never tried a sugar puff sandwich though (or a fried chilly chutney one either!) :biggrin: I think Queeg was the first one I saw, it's so far back. Hooked from there.

11-10-17, 03:51
I love when Ace Rimmer would show up. Smoke me a kipper, I’ll be back for breakfast.

Queeg was awesome, I loved the ending.

My favourite is probably Quarantine with Mr Flibbles

11-10-17, 04:42
"What a guy" :cloud9::biggrin:

Polymorph was an early fave for me. I used to have a few of the t-shirts. I think later on someone did do one for Rimmer's hilariously named peace organisation that coincidentally spelled a part of the female anotomy :winks:

Rob Grant, wrote the odd non RD book. Incompetence was one, it sounded good.

I preferred Holly to Hilly though. More sarcastic.

Mr Flibbles was ace too. I've actually got one in the wardrobe....not the dress though :whistles:

If only we had Justice World...and RoboLister. :yesyes:

Had to laugh at Rimmer world...what a horrific place to visit :scared15:

11-10-17, 05:59
“Lager, the only thing that can kill a vindaloo.”

11-10-17, 07:15
Talkie Toaster was good.

Toaster: Howdy doodly do. How's it going? I'm Talkie, Talkie Toaster, your chirpy breakfast companion. Talkie's the name, toasting's the game. Anyone like any toast?

Lister: Look, I don't want any toast, and he doesn't want any toast. In fact, no one around here wants any toast. Not now, not ever. No toast.

Toaster: How 'bout a muffin?

Lister: Or muffins. Or muffins. We don't like muffins around here. We want no muffins, no toast, no teacakes, no buns, baps, baguettes or bagels, no croissants, no crumpets, no pancakes, no potato cakes and no hot-cross buns and definitely no smegging flapjacks.

Toaster: Aah, so you're a waffle man.


The Rimmer song was one I couldn't stop singing.

Sorry Bingjam, unless you're a Dwarfer of course :yesyes:

11-10-17, 07:39
Of course I'm a fan!! Who doesn't like red dwarf ������

Thank you everyone who replied, I ended up falling back asleep and I've woken up fine, sorry it just really freaked me out, never had anything like it

---------- Post added at 07:39 ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 ----------

And just to add, Quarentine is also one of my faves

11-10-17, 07:50
Excellent! :yesyes:

Good you got back to sleep and feel better. The sleep stages we go through when falling asleep or waking are known to be quite different so we can have all sorts of sleep phenomena and weird thoughts too (anxiety can make these more frequent but all humans go through it as it's just normal sleep stages). When you're already anxious, they can be worrying.

But you won't get it again because Mr Flibble has been informed about them and...

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRD5tO0PtMWR7mjlRXX_NmX2NK3pafrw UB0RnMdZcD6qh4NvgkIug


11-10-17, 08:57
:roflmao: honestly laughed so much during that episode, when he says mr fibble is very cross and they are staring in the mirror and he looks like he's shaking with rage :roflmao: hillarious

What are we going to do with them mr fibble??? (Shocked face) we can't possibly do that, who's going to clean up the mess ������

It was just because I've never felt anything like it before so had absolutely no idea what was happening.

11-10-17, 12:19
:roflmao: That bit made me laugh too.

"So, let me get this straight. You want to fly on a magic carpet to meet the king of the potato people and you're telling me you're sane? I think that warrants 2 hours W. O. O. With. Out. Oxygen" :biggrin:

11-10-17, 16:02
Of course I'm a fan!! Who doesn't like red dwarf ������

Thank you everyone who replied, I ended up falling back asleep and I've woken up fine, sorry it just really freaked me out, never had anything like it

---------- Post added at 07:39 ---------- Previous post was at 07:34 ----------

And just to add, Quarentine is also one of my faves

I'm glad you were able to get back to sleep, and are ok.

"Ace and Skipper?' "You sound like a children's show about a boy and his bush kangaroo."