View Full Version : Being in a relationship as a mentally ill

11-10-17, 01:20
Hey everyone!

Im a long term sufferer of GAD/Depression/OCD. It's now about two and a half years since the diagnosis, I'm 24 years old.
I never had a girlfriend since then, but now I met a girl and I'm in a relationship with her for about three weeks. But my mental health already induced problems. I got to admit that I didn't tell her about my problems yet, but she already noticed that I'm sometimes in a bad mood. She noticed that I'm not talking that much and she mentioned that I'm looking sad at times. I really like her and wanna be with her, but I'm so afraid that I won't be able to be a good boyfriend, I don't wanna waste her time with my moments of bad mood. My conscience is as guilty as it can be. One day I was in such a bad mood that I didn't check my phone the whole day and didn't answer her calls. She was clearly upset, I apologized and everything went well, but it could happen anytime again soon.
I really feel worthless and don't wanna lose her so soon already.
I hope someone can give me some advice, I don't know what to do, I'm really thinking about breaking up with her to protect her from more disappointments.

Best regards!

11-10-17, 01:45
My daughter is 24. She suffers from depression and anxiety. She has her moments but she works hard, takes meds and does pretty darn well if you ask me.

She met a guy on the internet, they went out and had a great time. At the end of the date he asked her out again. At that point she was flat out front and told him about her depression and anxiety. He took it in stride and they've been together since. He's very supportive. IMO, the fact she's up front and works hard on herself makes all the difference.

My advice? Be honest. The worst that can happen is she can't deal with it. Better to have that happen then break up and never know how she would have reacted and based on what you've said, I don't think it would surprise her all that much based on your behavior.

Positive thoughts

11-10-17, 05:07
Thanks for your advice. Well, you're right she wouldn't be surprised if I confessed. But I'm so afraid of being rejected. Another problem, which seems a bit immature since we're living in a modern society, is that I feel like I have to be a strong and protective person because I'm the male. I know it shouldn't be about the sex when it's about whos in a better state of mental health, but that is just how I feel and I can't do much about it.

11-10-17, 13:36
Talk to her. If she can't cope with your disorder, it's best you find out now rather than later as it would be unfair on both of you to get emotionally involved in something that you're not capable of maintaining.
I'm in a happy, committed relationship and I've been honest with my partner from day one. He understands and supports me, and when he doesn't understand a particular issue, he tries his best to learn about it. Relationships should be built on honesty and respect, and if your girlfriend rejects you for something that's not your fault, but a medical issue instead, then she's not worth your time. :)