View Full Version : Cough/cold virus... flu symptoms and feeling sick!

11-10-17, 12:03
Last week I was off work cause I had a bad cold... normally I can work through it, but it was a really nasty one making me have tummy cramps and feel a bit sick/dizzy.

Anyway I went back on Monday but my asthma flared up after inhaling some fumes from road works. Yesterday I was fine most the day but late afternoon I started to go downhill and yesterday evening I felt like I had flu, horrible body aches, splitting headache, tiredness etc... went to bed really early.

Feel a bit better this morning but still got the aches and headache and feel out of puff. Can't get to the drs as they have no appointments. Rang in sick and feel anxious about that as I was off sick all last week and I am worrying it looks bad.

Does anyone else get really anxious over stuff like this? I mean, deep down I know its a virus and I will be ok, but when my HA is already flared up (over my leaky boob thing, sorry if thats tmi) I feel like I can't take much more of it!

I came off my Sertraline a few months ago and things have been bad since then. Maybe I should just go back on the meds? :shrug: