View Full Version : Really scared...It's My Stomach This Time. Please Help :(

11-10-17, 14:04
You guys may or may not remember my post from back in August about my chest pain. Just to recap...I'm now 3 months postpartum and feel like my HA has been out of control since I had my baby at the end of June. My chest pain and pressure has since gone but in its place, I began getting strange upper abdominal pain. I've now been battling this for close to two months. I kept trying to put it off to acid reflux, stress, etc. but it's not going away.

It started while I was on vacation and had like two glasses of wine. I woke up the next day with a very sore stomach. It was sore to the point when I would walk, it felt like my insides were shaking or pounding with each step. I also noticed on this vacation that I suddenly had trouble laying in my sides in bed, especially my right side. It feels like my organs or upper stomach is being crushed when my ribs come together like that in my side.

I ended up feeling a bit better after a week or so, never realizing it was likely the wine. So when a friend came by on Labor Day and brought a bottle of wine, I had some more. I woke up the next day, once again, in the worst pain ever.

It's never gotten better this time. I constantly have a feeling of something being stuck in my middle upper abdomen or the feeling like I just got punched in the stomach. I'm still having trouble sleeping on my sides which is awful because I prefer to sleep on my side. I had my gallbladder out a year and a half ago. I had some stomach troubles like this after that surgery but they eventually went away and my stomach was normal since. I also had an endoscopy after that surgery that was fine except for inflammation and a polyp.

I go to the gastro doctor at the end of October but in the meantime, I'm convinced that I have cancer and I'm going to die and leave my kids behind. This consumes almost my whole day. Please help :(

13-10-17, 13:56
Anyone ever have the feeling like they can't lay on their sides because it's crushing their stomach or organs?