View Full Version : Some symptoms, but don t feel anxious/stressed,like to hear from ex-anxiety sufferes

12-10-17, 08:31
Hi all

I started having acute anxiety symptoms with all that goes with it for about two months and this has slowly died down now, with ups and downs of symptoms and mood til now. I read a great analogy from someone who posted on this site about anxiety being like a fire, 'when stressed, it's like throwing wood on the fire. So even when the stress lessens, you still have burning wood and it takes a while to burn down. And even at that, it takes even more time for the coals and embers to finally go out'.
The reason I asked to hear from ex-anxiety suffers, or people in remission, is this part of the recovery process. Does this sound like the your recovery process. I am aware everyone is different, everyone's anxiety is different and we get set backs etc, but I keep hearing about the anxiety recovery process and still am at a loss to what they mean sometimes !!

12-10-17, 11:00

Sorry don’t have the answers but thought I’d agree, the recovery process or healing as I like to call it, is a different journey for us all I reckon...

For me recovery is like you get back to exactly how you were, and I think that puts too much pressure on, I like to say healing process, not as much pressure and makes more sense..well in my opinion

Good luck, sounds like your doing well x