View Full Version : Pain in backside

12-10-17, 11:37
I am sitting here crying as I have pain literally in my anus. The GP has referred me for a abdominal ultrasound scan to look for ovarian cancer etc, will have this afternoon, and if that doesn't show anything will need a colonoscopy. I have health anxiety (20 years plus), which I thought I was controlling, but it has now got way out of hand. The scan is because I am post menopausal with the relevant age related problems down there! Just panicking.

12-10-17, 11:40
Just wanted to say so sorry for your struggles.

It’s good you are having the tests..it’s the waiting and wondering that is the pits !
Really hope you get some reassurances soon

Best wishes to you xxx

12-10-17, 11:43
Thank you so much for your kind words... my mind is just running a riot.

12-10-17, 12:00
Oh yes you are bound to be feeling that way...
In my experience the thoughts of it all are so so much worse than enything that actually happens, but that’s easy for me to say at this time I know...

I had a thought that pains in that area can often be haemorrhoids ..which are very painful but easily treated...I’m not a medic so wouldn’t know for sure, but , maybe a possibility ?

I wish you good luck and peace xx

12-10-17, 12:23
Hi Velvet, I could give you a list as long as your arm as to what it could be, my mind is full of info, made up and otherwise, quite frustrating. I hate this aweful anxiety, it really causes havoc. It's lovely to have a forum to find like minded people, don't feel so alone. x

12-10-17, 13:23
Yes, it really does help so much to write it down here and know we understand...

I’m quite new here, it’s good to be with likeminded people and not feel judged..


12-10-17, 19:23
Does it feel like a red hot poker going up your bum? Takes your breath away?

13-10-17, 16:00
Yes it does, very uncomfortable. Had an ovarian scan yesterday and a part from a harmless cyst all is ok. Awaiting blood results and will see go next week for those. My sensible head says I have IBS... but my anxiety head sends me into cancer orbit whenever it can. No doubt this will lead to a colonoscopy to rule everything out. I would love to not give a dam... but am 'blessed' with my madness. CBT, counselling, hypnotherapy and Ads have taken the edge off but I feel this is just part of me. The rollercoaster of my mind!

14-10-17, 09:17
I'm surprised they sent you for a scan for that, it's so common! Even people without IBS get it.
It's nicknamed 'javelin arse' on mumsnet...Google 'mumsnet javelin arse' and it will make you feel a lot better. I get it all the time

14-10-17, 13:08
Daisyflower, you made me laugh... never heard of javelin arse but will look it up on mumsnet. I need a bit of sensible speak. Thanks.
Well, just looked this up. Most ladies get it around their period, as I used to, but I haven't had a period for 3 years which is why I was sent for a TV ultrasound... my pain is the same as it used to be when my monthly hormones took charge.. so to speak. Well I still have the pain but have read it could be various things without it being cancer so not as concerned. Still have blood results to come so will see what they show.

14-10-17, 14:01
I never seem to get it on my period! It's horrible when it happens out in public!

14-10-17, 14:44
That's what I am more worried about, what if it gets so bad when i am out. So embarrassing. Painkillers don't seem to make a difference.

14-10-17, 15:54
Had to post as I too get that lovely sharp pain sensation. It's so common. I was relieved when I read a post about it online somewhere. Hormones were to blame for mine and the mini pill has put a stop to it - famous last words, no doubt I'll experience the javelin arse now lol

14-10-17, 17:04
The more I speak about this the more I find I am not alone, how come I've never heard of it before now, ONLY 57... Love the openness of mums net and no more panic. I could almost be normal, well nearly, don't want to be boring now!