View Full Version : Does this sound like a panic attack?

12-10-17, 12:47
Hello! So I've had anxiety for years, especially health anxiety, but I've never had a panic attack... or at least I think I hadn't until yesterday? If you could let me know if this description sounds like a panic attack, I'd be very grateful!

Yesterday at lunch time I was in the school bathroom when I got a sudden feeling of derealisation (or maybe brain fog? I get both (chronic illness)), and sometimes they mix which is fun. It was so strong that I had to remind myself where I was, what I was doing etc. I bought lunch and sat with my friends, but I couldn't shake this feeling if my brain being out of it/not working properly, and I started feeling a bit dizzy. At this point I was fairly anxious but trying to ignore it. Then suddenly my vision went really off, sort of like tunnel vision or the fisheye on a camera. By that point I was convinced I was dying or having a stroke, so I ran to the school office. As I was running I suddenly had a REALLY strong feeling that I was going to vomit.

The thing that makes me think it was probably anxiety is that as soon as I was in a "safe" environment - the school sick bay, with someone with first aid training and no one to see if I did vomit, I suddenly felt better. That's when I noticed my heart was pounding, and it took a while to go back to normal. I also felt shaky and tired for a while after, and felt drained and mildly nauseous for a few hours.

I've witnessed one panic attack, but the symptoms were very offering to mine - hyperventilating and rocking. I'm going to ask my psychologist about this next time I see her, but I wouldn't mind getting an opinion beforehand - do you think that sounds like a panic attack?

12-10-17, 13:14

It sounds like all the things that can happen during a panic attack yes,I’m not a dr so yes I would reassure yourself by asking a professional , if only to make you feel better and reassured.
I know anxiety affects us all very Individually, although I can say I’ve experienced those things during severe anxiety.

Best wishes. Hope you can get checked out just to reassure you xx

12-10-17, 14:30
That definitely sounds like depersonalisation/derealisation. I really sympathise with you as I'm in the same boat and I struggle with panic and DP/DR on a regular, almost daily basis. It's a truly terrifying set of sensations that happen. When it does happen, though, try and really focus on your environment, repeat your name and current location in your head etc. etc. By paying attention to your reality, you'll feel more conscious of it and will therefore feel less panicky. Hope this helps. :)