View Full Version : Vibrating legs

12-10-17, 19:19
I'm 45 and I have had anxiety for most of my life. Vibrating legs is a new symptom for me. I read it is anxiety related. How long does this usually last? My legs started to vibrate last Monday after I found out that my stepdaughter was sentenced to 4 years in jail. I haven't had a good relationship with her since she was a small child so I don't know why I would react this way. We rarely ever see her and she causes a lot of stress when we do. She showed up on September 25 and I was all alone. I tried to call my husband but he wasn't answering his phone because he couldn't hear it. I tried to call my father and a friend and no one answered. I was in the cellar trying to make the calls and I walked up the cellar stairs and she was in the bushes yelling my name through an open window so I went to the front door to ask her to leave. I didn't realize the storm door was unlocked and she walked right in. She looked awful and she stunk of smoke. She was wearing tiny underwear as shorts and a loose tank top that barely covered her. She walked right in and sat on the couch and started picking at her legs. She was in the hospital with MRSA earlier this year so seeing her picking at her skin was disturbing then she became belligerent with me and kept demanding $100. We aren't rich and we can't afford to keep handing her money. She is 23 and should stop asking. I finally got tired of her attitude and told her to leave and she wouldn't so I stood up and kept telling her to leave. I finally got her out of the house but she stayed in the driveway and the man that drove her here was lying on my lawn. They sat in the car and I kept looking out and hoping they would leave. I started feeling panicky then she came back to the door and asked to charge a phone that I found out was stolen. I wouldn't let her in. She returned to the car and they sat for another 10 minutes or so until they finally left. I was a nervous wreck but I thought that was the last of her. She came back after dark and she wouldn't leave at first but we finally got her to leave. I was nervous the entire week and I kept waking up and looking out the window and I was afraid she would come back. She was arrested 2 days later and I found out the following Monday. I would have thought I would feel better because she can't come back but then I felt bad and my legs started to vibrate a few minutes after my husband told me she is in jail.:scared15:

12-10-17, 20:22
I understand you feeling emotionally numb towards your daughter, and her behaviour is appalling, but she's still your daughter. I think the shock, and to some degree, trauma has taken its toll on you causing physical symptoms to manifest in this way. The physical symptoms should pass but the mental-emotional aspect will take more work. All the best to you.

13-10-17, 03:14
Thank you for your reply. I hope this will pass soon.