View Full Version : Why won't this lymph node go away? :(

12-10-17, 20:25
I am so stuck on this stupid lymph node in my groin that has been swollen since April/May or whenever this thing appeared.

My doctor wasn't concerned when I finally saw him about it in June and said he didn't recommend an ultrasound because it wasn't worth my anxiety. I think he thought the node would go away but it didn't. So, I went back in September and saw his fill-in as he was off on vacation. She said an ultrasound should be done primarily for my piece of mind (funny how they both had differing opinions). Plus, neither of my doctors were 100% sure whether the node was a lymph node or lipoma so she suggested just having the ultrasound to confirm.

Had the ultrasound in mid-September. Results were a 1.5cm X 0.4mm lymph node. No other nodes noted in the report. It is on the right side. The radiologist report said likely reactive and recommended a follow-up ultrasound at 3-6 months.

I should mention, I also had a normal CBC and blood chemistry.

I hate that my brain can't shut off just accept that the likelihood is my node is reactive. It doesn't seem to be getting smaller or any bigger either. I keep thinking of some type of micrometasteses or some slow growing type of lymphoma. I know that a biopsy is the gold standard but nobody seems worried at all about the node to even suggest something like that.

Of course, my anxiety is getting worse because I've lost some weight. Only a few pounds but I've also cut certain foods from my diet (i.e. dairy, gluten) because my stomach is sensitive from hpylori and I have "flares" from time to time. I've also been feeling lethargic lately but I have a 9 month old little boy we adopted.

Anyone out there that has only had an ultrasound and bloodwork on a lymph node that has stuck around for so long? I just want this thing to go away. The funny thing is I didn't go poking around for it initially. I can actually see it when looking in the mirror which is why it bothers me so much. :( Any insight would be appreciated.

---------- Post added at 19:25 ---------- Previous post was at 19:21 ----------

Also, if its just reactive, then why do they want to do a follow-up ultrasound - I guess, what is the purpose if they feel it is benign?

12-10-17, 20:50
Inguinal lymph nodes are considered normal up to 1.5mm short axis so yours isn't even technically lymphadenopathic. They want to do a follow up ultrasound because, as you said, they want to allay your fears.

Also per this study (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7735765) 95% of lymph nodes with greater than 2:1 long:short axis ratio were benign. Yours is 4:1. Furthermore, in patients under the age of 40, only .04% of nodes excisionally biopsied, that is to say, most concerning nodes, were malignant. Your nodes aren't even as concerning as nodes that are 99.6% likely to be benign. You seem to be in good shape.

12-10-17, 21:06
Keep your hands totally off of it for a month and see what happens (one can dream right?). Nodes will react to poking and prodding and can go shotty from it as well.

Positive thoughts

12-10-17, 21:17
If yours kept getting bigger and bigger and you had some weird symptoms I would be worried, but since it isn't growing you are most likely fine. Thats why they say you should do it for your piece of mind

12-10-17, 21:38
Inguinal lymph nodes are considered normal up to 1.5mm short axis so yours isn't even technically lymphadenopathic. They want to do a follow up ultrasound because, as you said, they want to allay your fears.

Also per this study (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7735765) 95% of lymph nodes with greater than 2:1 long:short axis ratio were benign. Yours is 4:1. Furthermore, in patients under the age of 40, only .04% of nodes excisionally biopsied, that is to say, most concerning nodes, were malignant. Your nodes aren't even as concerning as nodes that are 99.6% likely to be benign. You seem to be in good shape.

Thank you very much for your reply. I've never really heard anyone talk about the "short axis" vs "long axis" for a lymph node so this is new to me. I see this study applies to cervical nodes...would that still be relevant to nodes in the groin?

I know a lot of it is my health anxiety rearing its ugly head, I just wish I could help it. In the past 2 years, I've had a colonoscopy, brain MRI, so many transvaginal/pelvic ultrasounds and saline sonohysterograms (that one not because of anxiety but due to infertility), abdominal ultrasound in april 2016, lots of bloodwork, autoimmune panel, etc., etc.

I started CBT but had a falling out with my psychologist. There was a mix up with appointment dates and my dad wasn't feeling well so I was helping out at home. That with managing my return to work, a 9 month old I forgot to return his call. So, sadly he refused to return mine. He helped me...a lot. I hadn't been googling much while seeing him.

---------- Post added at 20:36 ---------- Previous post was at 20:31 ----------

Keep your hands totally off of it for a month and see what happens (one can dream right?). Nodes will react to poking and prodding and can go shotty from it as well.

Positive thoughts

Thank you so much for your reply! I have tried that. I definitely don't poke/prod now. I did initially ALL the time. But, at first it was because my doctor thought it was a lipoma. I'd say for the first 4 months I did. I've been trying to keep away from it. Shotty nodes are hard aren't they? Mine is apparently mobile and not fixed according to the doctor so I guess it wouldn't technically be shotty, would it?

On a weird side note. I had a node in my mon pubis area of the groin that would flare up at least 1x a month for a week or 2 in the past 12 months. It was tender. I had that one ultrasounded at the same time and it didn't show up at all. Oddly enough...for the first time in a month, it hasn't appeared. Kind of hoping the one thats remained swollen reacted like the other did...not sure if that all makes sense. But then, I'm not always such a rational thinker when it comes to my health.

---------- Post added at 20:38 ---------- Previous post was at 20:36 ----------

If yours kept getting bigger and bigger and you had some weird symptoms I would be worried, but since it isn't growing you are most likely fine. Thats why they say you should do it for your piece of mind

Thank you so much, I am trying to take solace in that. I recall reading about someone in my period of 'googling' which I've since stopped ended up having follicular lymphoma and their only symptom was a swollen lymph node with a diameter of 1.5cm. And, I read about another case of micrometasteses where the size of the lymph node really doesn't matter. Of course, I also read cases where they say its difficult to distinguish a reactive node from lymphoma or malignancy. So sadly, this is where the mind goes. I feel like a normal person would be satisfied with a normal ultrasound and bloodwork.

13-10-17, 17:36
I recall reading about someone in my period of 'googling' which I've since stopped ended up having follicular lymphoma and their only symptom was a swollen lymph node with a diameter of 1.5cm.

That right there is where the internet gets us into trouble. The thing is, if that was really, truly, 100% the only symptom, then virtually no one would have done a biopsy on it. Something in imaging, or bloodwork, or somewhere else would have had to tip somebody off that something was wrong, since as a previous poster said, 1.5cm isn't even necessarily clinically enlarged. Google is full of stories by non-doctors without health anxiety who don't necessarily understand cancer any better than us. Google is also full of websites explaining that the Earth is really flat and a spherical world is a NASA conspiracy, so try not to use if for medical advice :winks:

13-10-17, 20:57
Some nodes never return to their original sizes. so a palpable node means very little, its when it continues to grow and grow is when doctors tend to worry.

09-12-17, 22:18
I have my follow-up ultrasound for this lymph node on Wednesday. Still no change from what I can see or at least it doesn't seem to have changed. No other symptoms.

Hoping to have something good to report for others that may experience what I am. I hate tests...no matter the likelihood of a positive outcome they always make me anxious.

I am crossing my fingers that the node is either shotty (I poked it SO much for the first 3 months since I didn't know what it was) or its gotten a little smaller. Though, it doesn't look like its shrunk.

I mentioned that I had a lymph node that wasn't detected on the ultrasound that was definitely palpable to me (and sore) in the mons pubis area, same side on the right around 1cm. The doctor felt that and mentioned it was soft, mobile. Anyway, it had been coming and going for a year and hasn't returned for 3 months.

I did start spin classes about a year ago which greatly helped my anxiety. But then (Sorry TMI) had a month with a 'fishy' scent down there around Sept 2017 that I never had, followed by what appeared to be a UTI a in Feb/March. I also had bleeding after sex between Jan-Mar (not significant). Normal pap in 2016, gyno did a pelvic, TV ultrasound and saline sono and the bleeding seemed to go away. Noticed inguinal node that was ultrasounded in April. Fast forward to June/July and I would wake up in the middle of the night with my thighs/crotch area very sweaty - this went away and didn't return. Wondered whether it should be chalked up to the warm temperatures. I also shave the area regularly.

Needless to say this area has given me more than enough 'anxiety' over the past year. All I want to hear is the words reactive again so I can enjoy the holidays...........

13-12-17, 01:14
Follow-up ultrasound is tomorrow...trying to relax but I'm so nervous. :(

13-12-17, 03:35
Dude I've had 2 swollen nodes for 10 years lol. One right under my ear and another about an inch above my collar bone. About 3 years ago I woke up one morning and had a panic attack about lymphoma. Went to an ENT and he said it was ok. I looked up lymphoma and I was terrified I had it. I was sweating at night and I was itching all over. I was a wreck until I met a girl who actually had lymphoma. She had a collar lymph node about the size of a golf ball and it was rock hard. She had actual night sweats and was so lethargic she couldn't walk to the bathroom. I realized I didn't have this and it was all in my head. She is cancer free and thriving . Leave your nodes alone and let them do their job lol

13-12-17, 19:29
Really? 10 years!

My anxiety lies around the fact that I can see the actual node. If I couldn't, I'll be honest I think it would have bothered me a whole lot less.

The ultrasound tech obviously couldn't tell me what she saw (in Canada). But, she said she was 'surprised to see that I was asked to come back' and as we talked through my anxiety laughed at the idea of cancer.

I really wish I didn't get worked up so easily. My heart was pounding the entire time. She was probably the nicest ultrasound tech I'd met. Usually I leave feeling worse afterwards. Obviously the radiologist still has to review but her comments did help. She said it had probably been there for even longer than I noticed.

I would just like to move on from this, like a normal person.

14-12-17, 01:40
You will ,:yesyes:don't worry.

29-12-17, 16:23
I wanted to post an update to those that may have similar worries as I do.

My follow-up ultrasound was fine. No need to follow-up visit with the doctor.

If there is anything I've learned from this, the months and months of worry has taken away precious time from my family - and what I mean by that is being 'present' for them. Instead, I spent a ridiculous amount of time worrying about what the lymph node meant, googling incessantly and ignoring my doctors when they said it was "not concerning". The only one who mentioned the word "cancer" was me.

Health anxiety is a terrible thing to live with. It takes away your ability to live in the present and enjoy the things around you. Though it will be something I am sure I'll struggle with for some time, I don't want my worries to take precedence over the things that matter most - my family. After countless worry after worry that has turned into "nothing" I need to start trusting my doctor again. I need to realize that a random pain here or there is likely not a death sentence.

My New Years Resolution: take control of my life again...and enjoy it. Being fearful of everything to come just sucks the fun out of it.

Thank you so much for those that took the time to respond to my initial posts.

29-12-17, 19:29
Thank goodness this worry is over for you.

What happened to the lymph node? Is it gone? Still visible? Permanently enlarged ?

29-12-17, 21:59
Thank goodness this worry is over for you.

What happened to the lymph node? Is it gone? Still visible? Permanently enlarged ?

Thank you so much, Nancy. It is still visible to the naked eye. The ultrasound tech mentioned I've "probably had it forever" so my assumption is she meant a shotty lymph node. My doctor mentioned that to me as a possibility the last time I saw him as well.

I will need to ask him the specifics whenever I have an appointment. But I'm kind of thinking if no follow-up is needed, perhaps better not to ask. 😊