View Full Version : Blooming ears!!!

12-10-17, 21:30
Ok so I've had ear problems for a few weeks

I finally went to the doctors on Tuesday and she said because I use q tips I've been pushing ear wax down and now I've got blockage in both ears, she couldn't see my ear drum, and prescribed me some drops to try and dissolve some of the wax, she also said I have eustachian tube dysfunction which will take up to 6 weeks to clear, and also said I need to start using nasal spray to help with my sinuses.

I'm still feeling pretty groggy and I've started having pain in one of my ears that goes into my jaw, so now I'm a little worried it's been an ear infection all along and because she couldn't see my ear drum she couldn't see if it was infected, and that it's going to turn into septicaemia

Am I being irrational?

12-10-17, 22:18

Sorry you have been unwell with your ears..it’s good you had them checked over, I’m sure your dr would have thought of all the possibilities..and you should start to feel improvements now your using the drops ...if things don’t begin to improve in a few days you could always return and let her take another look to reassure you...I reckon it’s highly unlikely you are going to get scepticima , we tend to think the worse.

Hopefully you will soon be feeling better

Best wishes :hugs:

13-10-17, 00:04
I need to see an ENT. I'm experiencing similar symptoms after they removed ear wax from my ear. it was hurt when they did that. then it's been a few days where if i swallow, sometimes i feel mild discomfort from my jar/throat to the left ear. God i hope it's nothing serious.

13-10-17, 00:51
Yes it is irrational, if you have been using cotton buds it pushes the ear wax backwards this is why medical professionals don't advise you to use them. The pain could be totally unrelated or due to the fact the jaw/ear is connected and you have a blockage. I wouldn't worry about septicaemia, your doctor is highly trained to know what a infection is, you have blocked your own ear.

I hope you feel better soon and don't google anything!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

13-10-17, 11:01
Thanks for the replies guys, I just don't see how she would know if there is an infection if she couldn't see my ear drum if you know what I mean??

My right ear keeps popping now and it gives me brief sound back but the left one is just the same. Not sure how long it usually takes to clear wax. I'm hoping the pain is just through the blockage.

I've had ear infections before so I know what they feel like. They are absolutely agony. This isn't that painful per say, it's just when I burp (sorry) and sometimes when I yawn.

It's just making me really uncomfortable and miserable. Like it's making me feel really off. True sinus pains are easing off though now that I'm using the nasal spray and she did say that the ears and thrust are all connected

It's one thing I make sure I do and that is to have clean ears so I hate the fact I've got so much wax in there that it's causeing me problems, and I'm totally addicted to using q tips and my husband has threw away my little stash and has banned me from buying more ������

13-10-17, 20:08
I honestly don't know why I'm getting so worked up

I'm worried about sepsis. Is this possible at all from my symptoms??

Like I said the doctor couldn't see my ear drum so she wouldn't beable to tell if there was an infection would she?? And I've been having more pain in my left ear today

14-10-17, 02:49
Doctors will have a pretty good idea from what you describe and the specific questions they ask. They look to confirm from there, or rule out. Infections are often easy to work out from such questions.

I would imagine sepsis would be pretty painful and something a doctor would quickly pick up on.