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13-10-17, 04:46

13-10-17, 05:37
As per my psychiatrist - I have developed severe health anxiety. I have to "accept" that because other medical tests that I have done didn't reveal anything. It is tough and I constantly struggle with "WHAT IF's". I also struggle to believe that this can just be anxiety as I consider myself to be a rather calm, composed and extremely rational person. How can I let my mind and thoughts control me???

I started several things once I realized I was getting into a negative cycle of worry and depression - 1. I started the anti-depressant that was prescribed despite the fact that I dislike taking medication of any kind. 2. I started with CBT and am really giving it a try. 3. I started researching on anxiety and what it can do. 4. I seek comfort from forums like these where I can share and seek information from fellow anxiety sufferers.

So yes - I am seeking help. I still find it hard to believe that anxiety can cause such grief and coming to grips to that.